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Kerberos aes-256加密无法正常工作


服务器是RHEL7,Kerberos是AD(Windows) . 我只是KDC的客户 .

Arcfour-hmac工作正常但是当我将加密类型更改为aes-256并设置新的keytab时,kinit仍然有效,但不是kvno . 即使用户似乎拥有有效的票证(在klist中),他也无法再启动服务 .

我无法访问Kerberos AD,但它似乎已正确配置为使用aes-256,因为最终用户(在Windows计算机上)已经请求此加密类型的票证 .


default_realm = TOTO.NET
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = false
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
default_tkt_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
default_tgs_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
permitted_enctypes = aes256-cts aes128-cts des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc

  kdc = kdc1.toto.net
  kdc = kdc2.toto.net
  admin_server = kdc1.toto.net

.toto.net = TOTO.NET
toto.net = TOTO.NET


[2477332] 1493147723.961912: Getting credentials myuser@TOTO.NET -> nn/myserver@TOTO.NET using ccache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 
[2477332] 1493147723.962055: Retrieving myuser@TOTO.NET -> nn/myserver@TOTO.NET from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found (filename: /tmp/krb5cc_0) 
[2477332] 1493147723.962257: Retrieving myuser@TOTO.NET -> krbtgt/TOTO.NET@TOTO.NET from FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 with result: 0/Success 
[2477332] 1493147723.962267: Starting with TGT for client realm: myuser@TOTO.NET -> krbtgt/TOTO.NET@TOTO.NET 
[2477332] 1493147723.962274: Requesting tickets for nn/myserver@TOTO.NET, referrals on 
[2477332] 1493147723.962309: Generated subkey for TGS request: aes256-cts/17DF 
[2477332] 1493147723.962363: etypes requested in TGS request: aes256-cts, aes128-cts 
[2477332] 1493147723.962504: Encoding request body and padata into FAST request 
[2477332] 1493147723.962575: Sending request (1716 bytes) to TOTO.NET 
[2477332] 1493147723.962725: Resolving hostname kdc1.TOTO.NET 
[2477332] 1493147723.963054: Initiating TCP connection to stream ip_of_kdc1:88 
[2477332] 1493147723.964205: Sending TCP request to stream ip_of_kdc1:88 
[2477332] 1493147724.3751: Received answer (329 bytes) from stream ip_of_kdc1:88 
[2477332] 1493147724.3765: Terminating TCP connection to stream ip_of_kdc1:88 
[2477332] 1493147724.3846: Response was not from master KDC 
[2477332] 1493147724.3879: Decoding FAST response 
[2477332] 1493147724.3965: TGS request result: -1765328370/KDC has no support for encryption type

klist -ket mykeytab

Keytab name: FILE:nn.service.keytab
KVNO Timestamp           Principal
---- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
   1 01/01/1970 01:00:00 nn/myserver01@TOTO.NET (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)
   1 03/22/2017 16:34:55 nn/myserver02@TOTO.NET (aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96)


1 回答

  • 5

    请您的AD管理员在与keytab关联的AD帐户上启用对AES-256加密类型的支持 . 要查找该帐户,请运行以下命令:

    setspn -Q nn/myserver01@TOTO.NET

    输出将告诉您帐户的名称 . 它将以CN = xxx开头,其中“xxx”是AD帐户的名称 . 要在AD帐户上启用对AES-256加密类型的支持,请告知您的AD管理员必须选中“此帐户支持Kerberos AES 256位加密”复选框,并且可以在“帐户”选项卡下找到,一直在底部 .
