我正在编写一个授权组件来验证GraphQL查询 .

使用 ValidationContext 对象,我设法获取查询中包含的操作类型(变异/查询),操作名称和非标量字段名称 .

我需要的是获取这些非标量字段的GraphQL类型 .


let entitiesArray:Array<string> = new Array<string>()

function getRecursiveSelectionSetNodes (selSetNode:SelectionSetNode) {
  selSetNode.selections.forEach ((node:FieldNode, index, array) => {
    if (node.selectionSet) {
      entitiesArray.push(node.name.value) // I could push the whole node, and make an array of nodes if necessary 
      getRecursiveSelectionSetNodes (node.selectionSet)

export const authorizeQuery = function authorizeQuery (context: ValidationContext): any {

  let opNode:OperationDefinitionNode = getOperationAST(context.getDocument())

  let opType = opNode.operation
  console.log ('_________________ AUTH OPERATION TYPE: ', opType)

  let opFieldNode:FieldNode = <FieldNode>opNode.selectionSet.selections[0]
  let opName = opFieldNode.name.value

  console.log ('_________________ AUTH OPERATION NAME: ', opName)

    let selSetUser:SelectionSetNode = opFieldNode.selectionSet
  // Selected fields by the user
  // Here, first-level nodes will be objects requested by the query
  // The nodes without a nested "SelectionSet" node will be scalar
  // Nodes with a nested "SelectionSet" are non-scalar that need to be checked

  getRecursiveSelectionSetNodes (selSetUser)

  console.log ('_________________ AUTH ENTITIES: ', JSON.stringify(entitiesArray))

  return []


此代码返回字段名称,而不是类型,因此我需要使用graphQL类型“User []”映射字段名称“users”,依此类推,因此我可以根据请求的graphql类型执行授权 .
