我很好奇一件事 . 在 Application_AcquireRequestState global.asax 事件中,我正在为将来创建的线程和当前正在执行的线程设置默认区域性 . 这是使用的代码 .

CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = new CultureInfo('some-CULTURE');

原因如下 . 假设线程具有 fr-FR 的文化(并且它希望发生这种情况,以便's why I am setting the default culture. This is all happening because CultureInfo is not being copied from thread to thread. so now suppose there are two concurrent request coming to my website. and I set default culture to suppose ' fr-FR ' and then immediately by second request the default culture is set to ' zh-CN ' (and system locale is something different) now if I create a thread inside a code that runs under first request will that threads culture be ' fr-FR ' or ' zh-CN ' ? I suppose that it will be ' zh-CN ' because last time when default culture was set it was set to ' zh-CN '. Or will the threads created or used by the thread that set the default culture to ' fr-FR ' have the culture ' fr-FR ' and the threads created or used by the thread that set default culture ' zh-CN ' will be ' zh-CN'?