我有这个问题,希望你能帮我解决 . 基本上我已经在Corona SDK上设置了Twitter共享(使用社交插件),这样玩家就可以发布他们的高分 . 游戏将保存JPEG图像,然后Twitter在共享时将其加载到消息中 .

现在的问题是,在iOS上,这种方法很完美,但在Android设备上,图像不会显示在邮件正文中 . 你能不能帮助我,因为我一直在试图弄明白这一点,但却无处可去 . 干杯 .

Here is my code to take the screenshot:

function takePhoto()
    local baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory

    display.save(overlayGroup, "myScreenshot.jpg", baseDir )
    print("PIC SAVED")

And this these are the options for sharing:

local options = {
    service = "twitter",
    message = "You got a highscore! ",
    listener = tweetCallback,
    image = {
      baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory,
      filename = "myScreenshot.jpg"

And these are the code in build.settings

android =
    versionCode = "1",
    googlePlayGamesAppId = "xxxxxxxxxx", --My code is here
    usesPermissions =