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是的,所以我有一个可枚举的,并希望从中获得不同的值 .

使用 System.Linq ,当然有一个名为 Distinct 的扩展方法 . 在简单的情况下,它可以在没有参数的情况下使用,例如:

var distinctValues = myStringList.Distinct();


var distinctValues = myCustomerList.Distinct(someEqualityComparer);

equality comparer参数必须是 IEqualityComparer<T> 的实例 . 当然,我可以做到这一点,但它有点冗长,而且很好 .

我所期望的是一个需要lambda的重载,比如Func <T,T,bool>:

var distinctValues
    = myCustomerList.Distinct((c1, c2) => c1.CustomerId == c2.CustomerId);


或者,是否有一种方法可以指定IEqualityComparer内联(embarass me)?


我在一个关于这个主题的MSDN论坛上找到了Anders Hejlsberg给post的回复 . 他说:

您将要遇到的问题是,当两个对象比较相等时,它们必须具有相同的GetHashCode返回值(否则Distinct内部使用的哈希表将无法正常运行) . 我们使用IEqualityComparer,因为它将Equals和GetHashCode的兼容实现打包到一个接口中 .


18 回答

  • 2

    没有这样的扩展方法重载 . 我在过去发现这令人沮丧,因此我经常写一个助手类来处理这个问题 . 目标是将 Func<T,T,bool> 转换为 IEqualityComparer<T,T> .

    public class EqualityFactory {
      private sealed class Impl<T> : IEqualityComparer<T,T> {
        private Func<T,T,bool> m_del;
        private IEqualityComparer<T> m_comp;
        public Impl(Func<T,T,bool> del) { 
          m_del = del;
          m_comp = EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
        public bool Equals(T left, T right) {
          return m_del(left, right);
        public int GetHashCode(T value) {
          return m_comp.GetHashCode(value);
      public static IEqualityComparer<T,T> Create<T>(Func<T,T,bool> del) {
        return new Impl<T>(del);


    var distinctValues = myCustomerList
      .Distinct(EqualityFactory.Create((c1, c2) => c1.CustomerId == c2.CustomerId));
  • 0

    IEnumerable lambda扩展名:

    public static class ListExtensions
        public static IEnumerable<T> Distinct<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T, int> hashCode)
            Dictionary<int, T> hashCodeDic = new Dictionary<int, T>();
            list.ToList().ForEach(t => 
                    var key = hashCode(t);
                    if (!hashCodeDic.ContainsKey(key))
                        hashCodeDic.Add(key, t);
            return hashCodeDic.Select(kvp => kvp.Value);


    class Employee
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
    //Add 5 employees to List
    List<Employee> lst = new List<Employee>();
    Employee e = new Employee { Name = "Shantanu", EmployeeID = 123456 };
    Employee e1 = new Employee { Name = "Adam Warren", EmployeeID = 823456 };
    //Add a space in the Name
    Employee e2 = new Employee { Name = "Adam  Warren", EmployeeID = 823456 };
    //Name is different case
    Employee e3 = new Employee { Name = "adam warren", EmployeeID = 823456 };
    //Distinct (without IEqalityComparer<T>) - Returns 4 employees
    var lstDistinct1 = lst.Distinct();
    //Lambda Extension - Return 2 employees
    var lstDistinct = lst.Distinct(employee => employee.EmployeeID.GetHashCode() ^ employee.Name.ToUpper().Replace(" ", "").GetHashCode());
  • 0

    Microsoft System.Interactive package有一个Distinct版本,它带有一个键选择器lambda . 这实际上与Jon Skeet的解决方案相同,但它可能有助于人们了解并查看库的其余部分 .

  • 19

    To Wrap things up . 我想像我这样来到这里的大多数人都希望 simplest 解决方案尽可能 without using any libraries 并尽可能 performance .

    (对我而言,接受的方法对我而言,我认为在表现方面是一种矫枉过正 . )

    这是一个使用 IEqualityComparer 接口的简单扩展方法,该接口也适用于空值 .


    var filtered = taskList.DistinctBy(t => t.TaskExternalId).ToArray();

    Extension Method Code

    public static class LinqExtensions
        public static IEnumerable<T> DistinctBy<T, TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, TKey> property)
            GeneralPropertyComparer<T, TKey> comparer = new GeneralPropertyComparer<T,TKey>(property);
            return items.Distinct(comparer);
    public class GeneralPropertyComparer<T,TKey> : IEqualityComparer<T>
        private Func<T, TKey> expr { get; set; }
        public GeneralPropertyComparer (Func<T, TKey> expr)
            this.expr = expr;
        public bool Equals(T left, T right)
            var leftProp = expr.Invoke(left);
            var rightProp = expr.Invoke(right);
            if (leftProp == null && rightProp == null)
                return true;
            else if (leftProp == null ^ rightProp == null)
                return false;
                return leftProp.Equals(rightProp);
        public int GetHashCode(T obj)
            var prop = expr.Invoke(obj);
            return (prop==null)? 0:prop.GetHashCode();
  • 4

    如果 Distinct() 不会产生唯一结果,请尝试以下方法:

    var filteredWC = tblWorkCenter.GroupBy(cc => cc.WCID_I).Select(grp => grp.First()).Select(cc => new Model.WorkCenter { WCID = cc.WCID_I }).OrderBy(cc => cc.WCID); 
    ObservableCollection<Model.WorkCenter> WorkCenter = new ObservableCollection<Model.WorkCenter>(filteredWC);
  • 0

    我在这里看到的所有解决方案都依赖于选择已经相当的领域 . 但是,如果需要以不同的方式进行比较,this solution here似乎通常会起作用,例如:

    somedoubles.Distinct(new LambdaComparer<double>((x, y) => Math.Abs(x - y) < double.Epsilon)).Count()
  • 917

    它看起来像你想DistinctBy来自MoreLINQ . 然后你可以写:

    var distinctValues = myCustomerList.DistinctBy(c => c.CustomerId);

    这是 DistinctBy 的简化版本(没有无效检查,也没有指定自己的密钥比较器的选项):

    public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource, TKey>
         (this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
        HashSet<TKey> knownKeys = new HashSet<TKey>();
        foreach (TSource element in source)
            if (knownKeys.Add(keySelector(element)))
                yield return element;
  • 9


    public static class Extensions
        public static IEnumerable<T> MyDistinct<T, V>(this IEnumerable<T> query,
                                                        Func<T, V> f, 
                                                        Func<IGrouping<V,T>,T> h=null)
            if (h==null) h=(x => x.First());
            return query.GroupBy(f).Select(h);

    此方法允许您通过指定一个参数(如 .MyDistinct(d => d.Name) )来使用它,但它也允许您将条件指定为第二个参数,如下所示:

    var myQuery = (from x in _myObject select x).MyDistinct(d => d.Name,
            x => x.FirstOrDefault(y=>y.Name.Contains("1") || y.Name.Contains("2"))

    N.B. 这也允许您指定其他功能,例如 .LastOrDefault(...) .


    public static IEnumerable<T> MyDistinct2<T, V>(this IEnumerable<T> query,
                                                    Func<T, V> f,
                                                    Func<T,bool> h=null
        if (h == null) h = (y => true);
        return query.GroupBy(f).Select(x=>x.FirstOrDefault(h));


    var myQuery2 = (from x in _myObject select x).MyDistinct2(d => d.Name,
                        y => y.Name.Contains("1") || y.Name.Contains("2")

    N.B. 这里,表达式更简单,但注意 .MyDistinct2 隐式使用 .FirstOrDefault(...) .

    Note: 以上示例使用以下演示类

    class MyObject
        public string Name;
        public string Code;
    private MyObject[] _myObject = {
        new MyObject() { Name = "Test1", Code = "T"},
        new MyObject() { Name = "Test2", Code = "Q"},
        new MyObject() { Name = "Test2", Code = "T"},
        new MyObject() { Name = "Test5", Code = "Q"}
  • 14


    myCustomerList.GroupBy(c => c.CustomerId, (key, c) => c.FirstOrDefault());
  • 0

    你可以使用 InlineComparer

    public class InlineComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
        //private readonly Func<T, T, bool> equalsMethod;
        //private readonly Func<T, int> getHashCodeMethod;
        public Func<T, T, bool> EqualsMethod { get; private set; }
        public Func<T, int> GetHashCodeMethod { get; private set; }
        public InlineComparer(Func<T, T, bool> equals, Func<T, int> hashCode)
            if (equals == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("equals", "Equals parameter is required for all InlineComparer instances");
            EqualsMethod = equals;
            GetHashCodeMethod = hashCode;
        public bool Equals(T x, T y)
            return EqualsMethod(x, y);
        public int GetHashCode(T obj)
            if (GetHashCodeMethod == null) return obj.GetHashCode();
            return GetHashCodeMethod(obj);

    Usage sample

    var comparer = new InlineComparer<DetalleLog>((i1, i2) => i1.PeticionEV == i2.PeticionEV && i1.Etiqueta == i2.Etiqueta, i => i.PeticionEV.GetHashCode() + i.Etiqueta.GetHashCode());
      var peticionesEV = listaLogs.Distinct(comparer).ToList();
      Assert.AreNotEqual(0, peticionesEV.Count);

    Using IEqualityComparer for Union
    Can I specify my explicit type comparator inline?

  • 12


    我相信你可以通过自我连接var distinctResults =来自我的列表中的myList join c2中的c1来实现这一点

  • 1


    var distinctValues
        = myCustomerList.Distinct(new LambdaEqualityComparer<OurType>((c1, c2) => c1.CustomerId == c2.CustomerId));
    public class LambdaEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
            public LambdaEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> equalsFunction)
                _equalsFunction = equalsFunction;
            public bool Equals(T x, T y)
                return _equalsFunction(x, y);
            public int GetHashCode(T obj)
                return obj.GetHashCode();
            private readonly Func<T, T, bool> _equalsFunction;
  • 0


    var distinctValues = myCustomerList.
    Select(x => x._myCaustomerProperty).Distinct();

    序列返回不同的元素通过属性'_myCaustomerProperty'来比较它们 .

  • 0


    public static class EnumerableExtensions
        public static IEnumerable<TKey> Distinct<T, TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, TKey> selector)
            return source.GroupBy(selector).Select(x => x.Key);

    遗憾的是,他们没有将这样一个独特的方法烘焙到框架中,但是嘿嘿 .

  • 439


    var distinctValues =
        from cust in myCustomerList
        group cust by cust.CustomerId
        into gcust
        select gcust.First();

    至少它不是冗长的 .

  • 2
    IEnumerable<Customer> filteredList = originalList
      .GroupBy(customer => customer.CustomerId)
      .Select(group => group.First());
  • 3

    一个棘手的方法是使用 Aggregate() 扩展,使用字典作为累加器,将键属性值作为键:

    var customers = new List<Customer>();
    var distincts = customers.Aggregate(new Dictionary<int, Customer>(), 
                                        (d, e) => { d[e.CustomerId] = e; return d; },
                                        d => d.Values);

    GroupBy风格的解决方案正在使用 ToLookup()

    var distincts = customers.ToLookup(c => c.CustomerId).Select(g => g.First());
  • 21

    我用过的东西对我来说效果很好 .

    /// <summary>
    /// A class to wrap the IEqualityComparer interface into matching functions for simple implementation
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to be compared</typeparam>
    public class MyIEqualityComparer<T> : IEqualityComparer<T>
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new comparer based on the given Equals and GetHashCode methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="equals">The method to compute equals of two T instances</param>
        /// <param name="getHashCode">The method to compute a hashcode for a T instance</param>
        public MyIEqualityComparer(Func<T, T, bool> equals, Func<T, int> getHashCode)
            if (equals == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("equals", "Equals parameter is required for all MyIEqualityComparer instances");
            EqualsMethod = equals;
            GetHashCodeMethod = getHashCode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the method used to compute equals
        /// </summary>
        public Func<T, T, bool> EqualsMethod { get; private set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the method used to compute a hash code
        /// </summary>
        public Func<T, int> GetHashCodeMethod { get; private set; }
        bool IEqualityComparer<T>.Equals(T x, T y)
            return EqualsMethod(x, y);
        int IEqualityComparer<T>.GetHashCode(T obj)
            if (GetHashCodeMethod == null)
                return obj.GetHashCode();
            return GetHashCodeMethod(obj);
