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Spring Data JPA:使用规范实现自定义存储库行为


我想创建一个具有自定义行为的Spring Data JPA存储库,并使用Specification实现该自定义行为 . 我已经通过Spring Data JPA documentation for implementing custom behavior in a single repository设置了它,除了没有在自定义存储库中使用Spring Data Specification的示例 . 如果可能的话,如何做到这一点?

我没有看到一种方法将某些内容注入到需要规范的自定义实现中 . 我认为我会很棘手,并将存储库的CRUD存储库部分注入自定义部分,但这会导致循环实例化依赖 .

我没有使用QueryDSL . 谢谢 .

2 回答

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    我想灵感的主要来源可能是 SimpleJpaRepository 如何处理规格 . 要看的关键点是:

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    • 基本结构:如下

    一世 . 为通用父实体之后建模的实体类集创建通用接口 . 注意,这是可选的 . 在我的情况下,我需要这种层次结构,但没有必要

    public interface GenericRepository<T> {
    // add any common methods to your entity hierarchy objects, 
    // so that you don't have to repeat them in each of the children entities
    // since you will be extending from this interface

    II . 将特定存储库从泛型(步骤1)和JPARepository扩展为

    public interface MySpecificEntityRepository extends GenericRepository<MySpecificEntity>, JpaRepository<MySpecificEntity, Long> {
    // add all methods based on column names, entity graphs or JPQL that you would like to 
    // have here in addition to what's offered by JpaRepository

    III . 在服务实现类中使用上面的存储库

    • 现在,Service类看起来像这样,
    public interface GenericService<T extends GenericEntity, ID extends Serializable> {
       // add specific methods you want to extend to user
    • 泛型实现类可以如下,
    public abstract class GenericServiceImpl<T extends GenericEntity, J extends JpaRepository<T, Long> & GenericRepository<T>> implements GenericService<T, Long> {
    // constructor takes in specific repository
        public GenericServiceImpl(J genericRepository) {
           // save this to local var
      // using the above repository, specific methods are programmed
    • 具体实现类可以
    public class MySpecificEntityServiceImpl extends GenericServiceImpl<MySpecificEntity, MySpecificEntityRepository> implements MySpecificEntityService {
        // the specific repository is autowired
        public MySpecificEntityServiceImpl(MySpecificEntityRepository genericRepository) {
             this.genericRepository = (MySpecificEntityRepository) genericRepository;
