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我在lapply中编写了一个函数,以便为数据框内的响应变量向量中的每个元素拟合GAM(带样条) . 我选择使用 caret 来适应模型,而不是直接使用 mgcvgam 包,因为我希望最终将我的数据拆分成列车/测试集以进行验证并使用各种重采样技术 . 现在,我只是将 trainControl 方法设置为'none',如下所示:

# Set resampling method
  # tc <- trainControl(method = "boot", number = 100)
  # tc <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 1)
  tc <- trainControl(method = "none")

  fm <- lapply(group, function(x) {
  printFormula <- paste(x, "~", inf.factors)
  inputFormula <- as.formula(printFormula)
  # Partition input data for model training and testing
  # dpart <- createDataPartition(mdata[,x], times = 1, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)
  # train <- mdata[ data.partition, ]
  # test <- mdata[ -data.partition, ]

  cat("Fitting:", printFormula, "\n")
  # gam(inputFormula, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mdata)
  train(inputFormula, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = mdata, method = "gam",
        trControl = tc)


Error in train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) : 
  Only one model should be specified in tuneGrid with no resampling

如果我在调试模式下重新运行代码,我可以找到 caret 停止培训过程的位置:

if (trControl$method == "none" && nrow(tuneGrid) != 1) 
    stop("Only one model should be specified in tuneGrid with no resampling")

显然 train 函数由于第二个条件而失败,但是当我查找tuning parameters for a GAM(带样条曲线)时,只有一个选项可供选择(不感兴趣,我想保留模型中的所有预测变量)和方法 . 因此,当我调用 train 时,我不包含 tuneGrid 数据帧 . 这就是模型以这种方式失败的原因吗?我将提供什么参数以及tuneGrid的外观如何?

我应该补充一点,当我使用bootstrapping或k-fold CV时,模型已成功训练,但是这些重采样方法需要更长的时间来计算,我不需要使用它们 .


1 回答

  • 3

    对于该模型,调整网格查看 select 参数的两个值:

    > getModelInfo("gam", regex = FALSE)[[1]]$grid
    function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid") {
       if(search == "grid") {
          out <- expand.grid(select = c(TRUE, FALSE), method = "GCV.Cp")
       } else {
          out <- data.frame(select = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = len, replace = TRUE),
                             method = sample(c("GCV.Cp", "ML"), size = len, replace = TRUE))

    您应该使用类似 tuneGrid = data.frame(select = FALSE, method = "GCV.Cp") 之类的东西来评估单个模型(如错误消息所示) .
