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我一直在尝试使用PHP将上传的图像保存到文件夹中 . 我一直坚持这个,因为图像的名称与文件夹保存的方式不同于数据库 .

数据库:资产/图像/ profile_pics / john_doe5a153efc8731359393775e3355df0b77n.jpg



    $profile_id = $user['username'];
    $imgSrc = "";
    $result_path = "";
    $msg = "";

        0 - Remove The Temp image if it exists
        if (!isset($_POST['x']) && !isset($_FILES['image']['name']) ){
            //Delete users temp image
                $temppath = 'assets/images/profile_pics/'.$profile_id.'_temp.jpeg';
                if (file_exists ($temppath)){ @unlink($temppath); }

        1 - Upload Original Image To Server
        //Get Name | Size | Temp Location           
            $ImageName = $_FILES['image']['name'];
            $ImageSize = $_FILES['image']['size'];
            $ImageTempName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];

        //Get File Ext   
            $ImageType = @explode('/', $_FILES['image']['type']);
            $type = $ImageType[1]; //file type  
        //Set Upload directory    
            $uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/name/assets/images/profile_pics';
        //Set File name 
            $file_temp_name = $profile_id.'_original.'.md5(time()).'n'.$type; //the temp file name
            $fullpath = $uploaddir."/".$file_temp_name; // the temp file path
            $file_name = $profile_id.'_temp.jpeg'; //$profile_id.'_temp.'.$type; // for the final resized image
            $finalname = $profile_id.md5(time());   
            $fullpath_2 = "assets/images/profile_pics/".$finalname."n.jpg"; //for the final resized image
        //Move the file to correct location
            $move = move_uploaded_file($ImageTempName,$fullpath) ; 
            chmod($fullpath, 0777);  
            //Check for valid uplaod
            if (!$move) { 
                die ('File didnt upload');
            } else { 
                $imgSrc= "assets/images/profile_pics/".$file_name; // the image to display in crop area
                $msg= "Upload Complete!";   //message to page
                $src = $file_name;          //the file name to post from cropping form to the resize        

    if (isset($_POST['Submit'])){

            //Insert image into database
            $insert_pic_query = mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE users SET profile_pic='$fullpath_2' WHERE username='$userLoggedIn'");

            //header("Location: account.php");


谢谢您的帮助 . 让我知道如何改进我的问题 .

2 回答

  • 0

    move_uploaded_file() 中使用 $fullpath_2 . 将upload directiry更改为 $uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Halpper/';

    if (isset($_FILES['image']['name'])) {
         * 1 - Upload Original Image To Server
        //Get Name | Size | Temp Location
        $ImageName = $_FILES['image']['name'];
        $ImageSize = $_FILES['image']['size'];
        $ImageTempName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
        //Get File Ext
        $ImageType = @explode('/', $_FILES['image']['type']);
        $type = $ImageType[1]; //file type
        //Set Upload directory
        $uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Halpper/';
        //Set File name
        $file_temp_name = $profile_id . '_original.' . md5(time()) . 'n' . $type; //the temp file name
        $fullpath = $uploaddir . "/" . $file_temp_name; // the temp file path
        $file_name = $profile_id . '_temp.jpeg'; //$profile_id.'_temp.'.$type; // for the final resized image
        $finalname = $profile_id . md5(time());
        $fullpath_2 = "assets/images/profile_pics/" . $finalname . "n.jpg"; //for the final resized image
        //Move the file to correct location
        if (move_uploaded_file($ImageTempName, $uploaddir . $fullpath_2)) {
            chmod($uploaddir . $fullpath_2, 0777);
        //Check for valid uplaod
        if (!$move) {
            die ('File didnt upload');
        } else {
            $imgSrc = "assets/images/profile_pics/" . $file_name; // the image to display in crop area
            $msg = "Upload Complete!";   //message to page
            $src = $file_name;          //the file name to post from cropping form to the resize
  • 1

    我亲自用 imagecreatefromjpeg http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromjpeg.php

    将临时上传的文件直接传递给此函数 .

    然后,这允许我使用 imagescale 进行配置文件图片大小调整 . http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagescale.php

    最后我发现 file-put-contents 是一种保存内容的相当简洁的方法 . http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-put-contents.php
