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在.NET中, System.Object.GetHashCode 方法在很多地方使用,遍及.NET基类库 . 特别是在快速查找集合中的项目或确定相等性时 . 是否有关于如何为我的自定义类实现 GetHashCode 覆盖的标准算法/最佳实践,因此我不会降低性能?

17 回答

  • 9


    public override int GetHashCode()
        => HashCode.Combine(field1, field2, field3);

    这将生成高质量的哈希码,而无需担心实现细节 .

  • 1

    在大多数情况下,Equals()比较多个字段,如果你的GetHash()在一个字段或多个字段上进行哈希处理并不重要 . 你只需要确保计算哈希值非常便宜( No allocations ,请)和快速( No heavy computations ,当然没有数据库连接)并提供良好的分发 .

    繁重的工作应该是Equals()方法的一部分;哈希应该是一个非常便宜的操作,以便在尽可能少的项目上调用Equals() .

    最后一个提示: Don't rely on GetHashCode() being stable over multiple aplication runs . 许多.Net类型不保证其哈希码在重新启动后保持不变,因此您只应在内存数据结构中使用GetHashCode()的值 .

  • 20

    这是我的简单方法 . 我正在使用经典的构建器模式 . 它是类型安全(没有装箱/拆箱),也适用于.NET 2.0(没有扩展方法等) .


    public override int GetHashCode()
        HashBuilder b = new HashBuilder();
        b.AddItems(this.member1, this.member2, this.member3);
        return b.Result;


    internal class HashBuilder
        private const int Prime1 = 17;
        private const int Prime2 = 23;
        private int result = Prime1;
        public HashBuilder()
        public HashBuilder(int startHash)
            this.result = startHash;
        public int Result
                return this.result;
        public void AddItem<T>(T item)
                this.result = this.result * Prime2 + item.GetHashCode();
        public void AddItems<T1, T2>(T1 item1, T2 item2)
        public void AddItems<T1, T2, T3>(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3)
        public void AddItems<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3, 
            T4 item4)
        public void AddItems<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(T1 item1, T2 item2, T3 item3, 
            T4 item4, T5 item5)
        public void AddItems<T>(params T[] items)
            foreach (T item in items)
  • 4

    我在Helper库中有一个Hashing类,我将它用于此目的 .

    /// <summary> 
    /// This is a simple hashing function from Robert Sedgwicks Hashing in C book.
    /// Also, some simple optimizations to the algorithm in order to speed up
    /// its hashing process have been added. from: www.partow.net
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input">array of objects, parameters combination that you need
    /// to get a unique hash code for them</param>
    /// <returns>Hash code</returns>
    public static int RSHash(params object[] input)
        const int b = 378551;
        int a = 63689;
        int hash = 0;
        // If it overflows then just wrap around
            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                if (input[i] != null)
                    hash = hash * a + input[i].GetHashCode();
                    a = a * b;
        return hash;


    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Hashing.RSHash(_field1, _field2, _field3);

    我没有评估其表现,所以欢迎任何反馈 .

  • 3

    这是the algorithm posted above by Jon Skeet的另一个流畅的实现,但不包括分配或装箱操作:

    public static class Hash
        public const int Base = 17;
        public static int HashObject(this int hash, object obj)
            unchecked { return hash * 23 + (obj == null ? 0 : obj.GetHashCode()); }
        public static int HashValue<T>(this int hash, T value)
            where T : struct
            unchecked { return hash * 23 + value.GetHashCode(); }


    public class MyType<T>
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public int Value { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<T> Children { get; set; }
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Hash.Base

    由于泛型类型约束,编译器将确保不使用类调用 HashValue . 但是没有编译器支持 HashObject ,因为添加泛型参数也会添加装箱操作 .

  • 27

    如果我们不超过8个属性(希望如此),这是另一种选择 .

    ValueTuple 是一个结构,似乎具有可靠的 GetHashCode 实现 .


    // Yay, no allocations and no custom implementations!
    public override int GetHashCode() => (this.PropA, this.PropB).GetHashCode();

    让's take a look at .NET Core'为 ValueTupleGetHashCode 的当前实现 .


    internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2)
            return HashHelpers.Combine(HashHelpers.Combine(HashHelpers.RandomSeed, h1), h2);
        internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3)
            return HashHelpers.Combine(CombineHashCodes(h1, h2), h3);


    public static readonly int RandomSeed = Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode();
        public static int Combine(int h1, int h2)
                // RyuJIT optimizes this to use the ROL instruction
                // Related GitHub pull request: dotnet/coreclr#1830
                uint rol5 = ((uint)h1 << 5) | ((uint)h1 >> 27);
                return ((int)rol5 + h1) ^ h2;


    • 左旋(循环移位)h1 5个位置 .

    • 将结果和h1一起添加 .

    • 与h2的XOR结果 .

    • 首先对{static random seed,h1}执行上述操作 .

    • 对于每个其他项目,对前一个结果和下一个项目(例如h2)执行操作 .

    很高兴知道这个ROL-5哈希码算法的属性 .

    遗憾的是,推迟到 ValueTuple 为我们自己的 GetHashCode 可能没有我们想要和期望的那么快 . This comment在相关讨论中说明直接调用 HashHelpers.Combine 更具性能 . 另一方面,那个是内部的,所以我们负责用随机种子记住第一个 Combine . 如果我们跳过这一步,我不知道后果是什么 .

  • 1413

    我通常会选择Josh Bloch精彩的Effective Java中给出的实现 . 它很快并且创建了一个非常好的哈希,不太可能导致冲突 . 选择两个不同的素数,例如17和23,并做:

    public override int GetHashCode()
        unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
            int hash = 17;
            // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)
            hash = hash * 23 + field1.GetHashCode();
            hash = hash * 23 + field2.GetHashCode();
            hash = hash * 23 + field3.GetHashCode();
            return hash;

    正如评论中所指出的,你可能会发现小数字看起来倾向于使用素数,至少有类似的算法,其中经常使用非素数 . 例如,在稍后的非常FNV示例中,我've used numbers which apparently work well - but the initial value isn' t是素数 . (虽然乘法常数是素数 . 我不知道它有多重要 . )

    由于两个主要原因,这比 XOR 哈希码的常见做法更好 . 假设我们有一个包含两个 int 字段的类型:

    XorHash(x, x) == XorHash(y, y) == 0 for all x, y
    XorHash(x, y) == XorHash(y, x) for all x, y

    顺便说一下,早期的算法是C#编译器当前用于匿名类型的算法 .

    This page提供了不少选项 . 我认为对于大多数情况来说,上面是"good enough"并且它非常容易记住并且正确 . FNV替代方法同样简单,但使用不同的常量和 XOR 而不是 ADD 作为组合操作 . 它看起来像下面的代码,但普通的FNV算法对单个字节进行操作,因此需要修改每个字节执行一次迭代,而不是每32位散列值 . FNV也是针对可变长度的数据而设计的,而我们的实际工作方式(在样本案例中也是如此)作为上述添加方法 .

    // Note: Not quite FNV!
    public override int GetHashCode()
        unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
            int hash = (int) 2166136261;
            // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)
            hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ field1.GetHashCode();
            hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ field2.GetHashCode();
            hash = (hash * 16777619) ^ field3.GetHashCode();
            return hash;

    请注意,有一点需要注意的是,理想情况下,在将其添加到依赖于哈希的集合之后,应该防止对等式敏感(因此对哈希码敏感)状态的更改码 .


    您可以为不可变引用类型重写GetHashCode . 通常,对于可变引用类型,只有在以下情况下才应覆盖GetHashCode:您可以从不可变的字段计算哈希代码;或者您可以确保在对象包含在依赖于其哈希代码的集合中时,可变对象的哈希码不会更改 .

  • 59

    与nightcoder的解决方案非常相似,只是如果你愿意,它更容易提升素数 .

    PS:这是你在嘴里呕吐一点的时间之一,知道这可以被重构成一种方法,有9个默认值,但它会慢一点,所以你只是闭上眼睛试着忘掉它 .

    /// <summary>
    /// Try not to look at the source code. It works. Just rely on it.
    /// </summary>
    public static class HashHelper
        private const int PrimeOne = 17;
        private const int PrimeTwo = 23;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9, T10 arg10)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg5.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg6.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg7.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg8.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg9.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg10.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8, T9 arg9)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg5.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg6.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg7.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg8.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg9.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7, T8 arg8)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg5.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg6.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg7.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg8.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6, T7 arg7)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg5.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg6.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg7.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg5.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg6.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg5.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg4.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg3.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
                int hash = PrimeOne;
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = hash * PrimeTwo + arg2.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
  • 3

    直到最近,我的答案将非常接近Jon Skeet在这里 . 但是,我最近启动了一个使用二次幂哈希表的项目,即哈希表,其中内部表的大小为8,16,32等 . 有一个很好的理由支持素数大小,但那里对于两种尺寸的尺寸也是一些优点 .

    而且它非常糟糕 . 经过一些实验和研究后,我开始用以下方法重新哈希哈希:

    public static int ReHash(int source)
        ulong c = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF + (ulong)source;
        ulong d = 0xE2ADBEEFDEADBEEF ^ c;
        ulong a = d += c = c << 15 | c >> -15;
        ulong b = a += d = d << 52 | d >> -52;
        c ^= b += a = a << 26 | a >> -26;
        d ^= c += b = b << 51 | b >> -51;
        a ^= d += c = c << 28 | c >> -28;
        b ^= a += d = d << 9 | d >> -9;
        c ^= b += a = a << 47 | a >> -47;
        d ^= c += b << 54 | b >> -54;
        a ^= d += c << 32 | c >> 32;
        a += d << 25 | d >> -25;
        return (int)(a >> 1);

    然后我的二次幂哈希表再也没有了 .

    这让我感到不安,因为上述情况不应该起作用,除非原始的 GetHashCode() 以非常特殊的方式表现不佳 .

    重新混合哈希码不能改进很好的哈希码,因为唯一可能的效果是我们引入了一些冲突 .

    重新混合哈希码不能改善可怕的哈希码,因为唯一可能的效果是我们改变例如哈希码 . 值53的大量碰撞到大量的值18,3487,291 .

    重新混合哈希码只能改进一个哈希码,它至少可以很好地避免整个范围内的绝对冲突(232个可能的值),但是当模数明显变大时,很难避免冲突(重新加载的额外工作将超过好处,但好处仍然存在) .

    编辑:我也使用开放寻址,这也会增加对碰撞的敏感度,或许比它是二次幂的事实更多 .

    好吧,令人不安的是.NET(或研究here)中的 string.GetHashCode() 实现可以通过这种方式改进多少(由于冲突更少,测试运行速度提高了约20-30倍),并且我自己的哈希码更加令人不安可以改进(远不止于此) .

    All the GetHashCode() implementations I'd coded in the past, and indeed used as the basis of answers on this site, were much worse than I'd throught . 很多时候,大部分用途都是"good enough",但我想要更好的东西 .

    所以我把这个项目放在一边(无论如何都是一个宠物项目)并开始研究如何在.NET中快速生成一个好的,分布良好的哈希代码 .

    最后我决定将SpookyHash移植到.NET . 实际上,上面的代码是使用SpookyHash从32位输入产生32位输出的快速路径版本 .

    现在,SpookyHash不是一个很好的快速记住代码片段 . 我的端口更是如此,因为我为了更好的速度而手动插入了大量的内容* . 但这就是代码重用的目的 .

    然后我将该项目放在一边,因为正如原始项目产生了如何生成更好的哈希代码的问题,因此该项目产生了如何生成更好的.NET memcpy的问题 .

    然后我回来了,产生了很多重载,可以轻松地将所有本机类型(除了 decimal †)整合到哈希码中 .

    它的速度很快,Bob Jenkins应该得到大部分功劳,因为我移植的原始代码更快,特别是在64位机器上,该算法针对‡进行了优化 .

    完整的代码可以在https://bitbucket.org/JonHanna/spookilysharp/src看到,但请考虑上面的代码是它的简化版本 .


    public override int GetHashCode()
      var hash = new SpookyHash();
      return hash.Final().GetHashCode();

    它还需要种子值,因此如果您需要处理不受信任的输入并希望防止Hash DoS攻击,您可以根据正常运行时间或类似情况设置种子,并使攻击者无法预测结果:

    private static long hashSeed0 = Environment.TickCount;
    private static long hashSeed1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
    public override int GetHashCode()
      //produce different hashes ever time this application is restarted
      //but remain consistent in each run, so attackers have a harder time
      //DoSing the hash tables.
      var hash = new SpookyHash(hashSeed0, hashSeed1);
      return hash.Final().GetHashCode();

    *一个很大的惊喜就是手动内联一个返回 (x << n) | (x >> -n) 改进的旋转方法 . 我本可以肯定的是,对于我来说,抖动会内联,但是分析显示不然 .

    decimal 虽然来自C#,但它不是.NET的本机 . 它的问题在于它自己的 GetHashCode() 将精度视为重要,而它自己的 Equals() 则不然 . 两者都是有效的选择,但不是那样的混合 . 在实现你自己的版本时,你需要选择做一个或另一个,但我可以't know which you'd想要 .

    ‡通过比较 . 如果在字符串上使用,64位上的SpookyHash比32位上的 string.GetHashCode() 快得多,这比64位上的 string.GetHashCode() 稍快,这比32位上的SpookyHash快得多,但仍然足够快,是一个合理的选择 .

  • 6

    ReSharper用户可以使用 ReSharper -> Edit -> Generate Code -> Equality Members 生成GetHashCode,Equals和其他人 .

    // ReSharper's GetHashCode looks like this
    public override int GetHashCode() {
        unchecked {
            int hashCode = Id;
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IntMember;
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ OtherIntMember;
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (RefMember != null ? RefMember.GetHashCode() : 0);
            // ...
            return hashCode;
  • 8

    我使用选择作为上面答案的实现遇到浮点数和小数的问题 .


    var obj1 = new { A = 100m, B = 100m, C = 100m, D = 100m};
            var obj2 = new { A = 100m, B = 100m, C = -100m, D = -100m};
            var hash1 = ComputeHash(obj1.A, obj1.B, obj1.C, obj1.D);
            var hash2 = ComputeHash(obj2.A, obj2.B, obj2.C, obj2.D);
            Assert.IsFalse(hash1 == hash2, string.Format("Hashcode values should be different   hash1:{0}  hash2:{1}",hash1,hash2));


    var obj1 = new { A = 100m, B = 100m, C = 100, D = 100};
            var obj2 = new { A = 100m, B = 100m, C = -100, D = -100};
            var hash1 = ComputeHash(obj1.A, obj1.B, obj1.C, obj1.D);
            var hash2 = ComputeHash(obj2.A, obj2.B, obj2.C, obj2.D);
            Assert.IsFalse(hash1 == hash2, string.Format("Hashcode values should be different   hash1:{0}  hash2:{1}",hash1,hash2));


    private static int InternalComputeHash(params object[] obj)
                var result = (int)SEED_VALUE_PRIME;
                for (uint i = 0; i < obj.Length; i++)
                    var currval = result;
                    var nextval = DetermineNextValue(obj[i]);
                    result = (result * MULTIPLIER_VALUE_PRIME) + nextval;
                return result;
        private static int DetermineNextValue(object value)
                    int hashCode;
                    if (value is short
                        || value is int
                        || value is byte
                        || value is sbyte
                        || value is uint
                        || value is ushort
                        || value is ulong
                        || value is long
                        || value is float
                        || value is double
                        || value is decimal)
                        return Convert.ToInt32(value);
                        return value != null ? value.GetHashCode() : 0;
  • 13


    /// <summary>
    /// Helper class for generating hash codes suitable 
    /// for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. 
    /// </summary>
    public static class HashCodeHelper
        private static int GetHashCodeInternal(int key1, int key2)
               var num = 0x7e53a269;
               num = (-1521134295 * num) + key1;
               num += (num << 10);
               num ^= (num >> 6);
               num = ((-1521134295 * num) + key2);
               num += (num << 10);
               num ^= (num >> 6);
               return num;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a hash code for the specified objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arr">An array of objects used for generating the 
        /// hash code.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A hash code, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data 
        /// structures like a hash table. 
        /// </returns>
        public static int GetHashCode(params object[] arr)
            int hash = 0;
            foreach (var item in arr)
                hash = GetHashCodeInternal(hash, item.GetHashCode());
            return hash;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a hash code for the specified objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj1">The first object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj2">The second object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj3">The third object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj4">The fourth object.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A hash code, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and
        /// data structures like a hash table.
        /// </returns>
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1 obj1, T2 obj2, T3 obj3,
            T4 obj4)
            return GetHashCode(obj1, GetHashCode(obj2, obj3, obj4));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a hash code for the specified objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj1">The first object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj2">The second object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj3">The third object.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A hash code, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data 
        /// structures like a hash table. 
        /// </returns>
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3>(T1 obj1, T2 obj2, T3 obj3)
            return GetHashCode(obj1, GetHashCode(obj2, obj3));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a hash code for the specified objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj1">The first object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj2">The second object.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A hash code, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data 
        /// structures like a hash table. 
        /// </returns>
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2>(T1 obj1, T2 obj2)
            return GetHashCodeInternal(obj1.GetHashCode(), obj2.GetHashCode());


    private struct Key
        private Type _type;
        private string _field;
        public Type Type { get { return _type; } }
        public string Field { get { return _field; } }
        public Key(Type type, string field)
            _type = type;
            _field = field;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return HashCodeHelper.GetHashCode(_field, _type);
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is Key))
                return false;
            var tf = (Key)obj;
            return tf._field.Equals(_field) && tf._type.Equals(_type);
  • 96



    new { PropA, PropB, PropC, PropD }.GetHashCode();

    这适用于任何数量的属性 . 它不使用拳击 . 它只是使用已在框架中为匿名类型实现的算法 .

    ValueTuple - C#7的更新

    正如@cactuaroid在评论中提到的,可以使用值元组 . 这样可以节省一些按键,更重要的是可以在堆栈上执行(无垃圾):

    (PropA, PropB, PropC, PropD).GetHashCode();

    (注意:使用匿名类型的原始技术似乎在堆上创建了一个对象,即垃圾,因为匿名类型是作为类实现的,尽管这可能会被编译器优化 . 对这些选项进行基准测试会很有趣,但是元组选项应该是优越的 . )

  • 2


    //for classes that contain a single int value
    return this.value;
    //for classes that contain multiple int value
    return x ^ y;
    //for classes that contain single number bigger than int    
    return ((int)value ^ (int)(value >> 32)); 
    //for classes that contain class instance fields which inherit from object
    return obj1.GetHashCode();
    //for classes that contain multiple class instance fields which inherit from object
    return obj1.GetHashCode() ^ obj2.GetHashCode() ^ obj3.GetHashCode();


    int a=((int)value1 ^ (int)(value1 >> 32));
    int b=((int)value2 ^ (int)(value2 >> 32));
    int c=((int)value3 ^ (int)(value3 >> 32));
    return a ^ b ^ c;

    对于多类型也是如此:所有使用 GetHashCode() 首先转换为 int 然后int值将被xor'ed,结果就是你的哈希值 .

    对于那些使用哈希作为ID(我的意思是一个唯一值)的人来说,哈希自然局限于多个数字,我认为哈希算法是5个字节,至少是MD5 .

    您可以将多个值转换为散列值,其中一些值相同,因此不要将其用作标识符 . (也许有一天我会使用你的组件)

  • 319

    这是我的哈希码助手 .

    public static class HashHelper
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
                 return 31 * arg1.GetHashCode() + arg2.GetHashCode();
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
                int hash = arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = 31 * hash + arg2.GetHashCode();
                return 31 * hash + arg3.GetHashCode();
        public static int GetHashCode<T1, T2, T3, T4>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, 
            T4 arg4)
                int hash = arg1.GetHashCode();
                hash = 31 * hash + arg2.GetHashCode();
                hash = 31 * hash + arg3.GetHashCode();
                return 31 * hash + arg4.GetHashCode();
        public static int GetHashCode<T>(T[] list)
                int hash = 0;
                foreach (var item in list)
                    hash = 31 * hash + item.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        public static int GetHashCode<T>(IEnumerable<T> list)
                int hash = 0;
                foreach (var item in list)
                    hash = 31 * hash + item.GetHashCode();
                return hash;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a hashcode for a collection for that the order of items 
        /// does not matter.
        /// So {1, 2, 3} and {3, 2, 1} will get same hash code.
        /// </summary>
        public static int GetHashCodeForOrderNoMatterCollection<T>(
            IEnumerable<T> list)
                int hash = 0;
                int count = 0;
                foreach (var item in list)
                    hash += item.GetHashCode();
                return 31 * hash + count.GetHashCode();
        /// <summary>
        /// Alternative way to get a hashcode is to use a fluent 
        /// interface like this:
    /// return 0.CombineHashCode(field1).CombineHashCode(field2). /// CombineHashCode(field3); /// </summary> public static int CombineHashCode<T>(this int hashCode, T arg) { unchecked { return 31 * hashCode + arg.GetHashCode(); } }


    public override int GetHashCode()
        return HashHelper.GetHashCode(Manufacturer, PartN, Quantity);


    public override int GetHashCode()
        return 0.CombineHashCode(Manufacturer)
  • 51

    这是我使用Jon Skeet's implementation的助手类 .

    public static class HashCode
        public const int Start = 17;
        public static int Hash<T>(this int hash, T obj)
            var h = EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode(obj);
            return unchecked((hash * 31) + h);


    public override int GetHashCode()
        return HashCode.Start


    public struct HashCode
        private readonly int _value;
        public HashCode(int value) => _value = value;
        public static HashCode Start { get; } = new HashCode(17);
        public static implicit operator int(HashCode hash) => hash._value;
        public HashCode Hash<T>(T obj)
            var h = EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode(obj);
            return unchecked(new HashCode((_value * 31) + h));
        public override int GetHashCode() => _value;


    public override int GetHashCode()
        // This time `HashCode.Start` is not an `Int32`, it's a `HashCode` instance.
        // And the result is implicitly converted to `Int32`.
        return HashCode.Start

    Update after Martin's comment:

    obj != null 导致拳击所以我切换到默认的比较器 .

    Edit (May 2018):

    EqualityComparer<T>.Default getter现在是一个JIT内在 - 由Stephen Toub在this blog post中提到pull request .

  • 0

    我的大部分工作都是通过数据库连接完成的,这意味着我的类都具有数据库中的唯一标识符 . 我总是使用数据库中的ID来生成哈希码 .

    // Unique ID from database
    private int _id;
      return _id.GetHashCode();
