几天前曾尝试使用Xcode 10的应用程序和Swift 4.1中的Swift 4.2,但是我无法解决使用4.2版Swift时遇到的错误 .

Having this protocol used in my application

protocol MyProtocol: AnyObject, RealmCollectionValue {
var name: String { get }
var count: Int { get }

static func sortKeyPath() -> String

func getTitleText() -> String
func getValueText() -> String
func getCodeText() -> String?
func getSubtitleText() -> String?

extension MyProtocol {

static func sortKeyPath() -> String {
    return "count"

func getTitleText() -> String {
    return name

func getValueText() -> String {
    return "\(count)"

func getCodeText() -> String? {
    return nil

func getSubtitleText() -> String? {
    return nil

The way it's used in the view model of my app

private var data: [MyProtocol] = []

它给了我一个错误 .

Protocol 'MyProtocol' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements