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我约有100个项目绑定到ListBox . 这些项目垂直显示如下:

<ListBox x:Name="lstfolder4"  Grid.Row="7" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"  Grid.Column="0" SelectionMode="Multiple" >
            <CheckBox  Content="{Binding Content}" IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked ,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

Items arranged vertically

但是我希望它能横向显示 . 在谷歌搜索后,我尝试了以下代码:

<ListBox x:Name="lstfolder2" Grid.Row="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Column="0" SelectionMode="Multiple" >
            <VirtualizingStackPanel  IsItemsHost="True" Orientation="Horizontal"/>
            <CheckBox  Content="{Binding Content}" Width="150" IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked ,Mode=TwoWay}"/>

现在它显示如下 . 但我想在一列中显示4行 . 谁能帮我这个?

Items arranged horizontally

提前致谢 .

1 回答

  • 3

    听起来像 UniformGrid 的完美用例:

            <UniformGrid Columns="4"/>


    Example result

    使用略微修改的UniformGrid(取自this MSDN question)可以实现垂直方向:

    public class UniformGridWithOrientation : UniformGrid  
        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrientationProperty =  
            DependencyProperty.Register( "Orientation", typeof( System.Windows.Controls.Orientation ), typeof( UniformGridWithOrientation ),  
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(   
                    FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure ),    
                new ValidateValueCallback( UniformGridWithOrientation.IsValidOrientation ) );  
        internal static bool IsValidOrientation( object o )  
            System.Windows.Controls.Orientation orientation = (System.Windows.Controls.Orientation)o;  
            if( orientation != System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal )  
                return ( orientation == System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical );  
            return true;  
        public System.Windows.Controls.Orientation Orientation  
            get { return (System.Windows.Controls.Orientation)GetValue( OrientationProperty ); }  
            set { SetValue( OrientationProperty, value ); }  
        private int _columns;  
        private int _rows;  
        protected override Size MeasureOverride( Size constraint )  
            Size availableSize = new Size( constraint.Width / ( (double)this._columns ), constraint.Height / ( (double)this._rows ) );  
            double width = 0.0;  
            double height = 0.0;  
            int num3 = 0;  
            int count = base.InternalChildren.Count;  
            while( num3 < count )  
                UIElement element = base.InternalChildren[ num3 ];  
                element.Measure( availableSize );  
                Size desiredSize = element.DesiredSize;  
                if( width < desiredSize.Width )  
                    width = desiredSize.Width;  
                if( height < desiredSize.Height )  
                    height = desiredSize.Height;  
            return new Size( width * this._columns, height * this._rows );  
        private void UpdateComputedValues()  
            this._columns = this.Columns;  
            this._rows = this.Rows;  
            if( this.FirstColumn >= this._columns )  
                this.FirstColumn = 0;  
            if( FirstColumn > 0 )  
                throw new NotImplementedException( "There is no support for seting the FirstColumn (nor the FirstRow)." );  
            if( ( this._rows == 0 ) || ( this._columns == 0 ) )  
                int num = 0;    // Visible children  
                int num2 = 0;  
                int count = base.InternalChildren.Count;  
                while( num2 < count )  
                    UIElement element = base.InternalChildren[ num2 ];  
                    if( element.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed )  
                if( num == 0 )  
                    num = 1;  
                if( this._rows == 0 )  
                    if( this._columns > 0 )  
                        this._rows = ( ( num + this.FirstColumn ) + ( this._columns - 1 ) ) / this._columns;  
                        this._rows = (int)Math.Sqrt( (double)num );  
                        if( ( this._rows * this._rows ) < num )  
                        this._columns = this._rows;  
                else if( this._columns == 0 )  
                    this._columns = ( num + ( this._rows - 1 ) ) / this._rows;  
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride( Size arrangeSize )  
            Rect finalRect = new Rect( 0.0, 0.0, arrangeSize.Width / ( (double)this._columns ), arrangeSize.Height / ( (double)this._rows ) );  
            double height = finalRect.Height;  
            double numX = arrangeSize.Height - 1.0;  
            finalRect.X += finalRect.Width * this.FirstColumn;  
            foreach( UIElement element in base.InternalChildren )  
                element.Arrange( finalRect );  
                if( element.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed )  
                    finalRect.Y += height;  
                    if( finalRect.Y >= numX )  
                        finalRect.X += finalRect.Width;  
                        finalRect.Y = 0.0;  
            return arrangeSize;  

    设置 Orientation="Vertical" 时的结果:

    enter image description here
