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我正在尝试编写Tic-Tac-Toe游戏并决定使用MiniMax算法,但我在实现它时遇到了麻烦 . 例如:在a

board = [
          "E", "E", "X",
          "E", "E", "X",
          "E", "O", "O"

它转回's the AI',该函数返回 AiMove { score: -10, coordinates: 0 } 为最佳动作 . 我一直在尝试调试很长一段时间,但功能的递归性质和可能的游戏树数量,尤其是早期游戏状态,很难跟上和调试 .



var factions = {
  AIplayer: "X",
  humanPlayer: "O"

var gameResults = {
  winner: ""

var emptyCells = function(board) { //check for empty cells and return an array with the number of empty cells
  var indices = [];
  for (var itr = 0; itr < 9; itr++) {
    if (board[itr] === "E") {
  return indices;

var isGameOver = function(board) {
  var tile = board;

  //check for victory conditions
  for (var i = 0; i <= 6; i = i + 3) {
    if (tile[i] !== "E" && tile[i] === tile[i + 1] && tile[i + 1] === tile[i + 2]) {
      if (factions.AIplayer === tile[i]) {
        gameResults.winner = "AIplayer";
      } else if (tile[i] === factions.humanPlayer) {
        gameResults.winner = "humanPlayer";
      return true;

  for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
    if (tile[i] !== "E" && tile[i] === tile[i + 3] && tile[i + 3] === tile[i + 6]) {
      if (factions.AIplayer === tile[i]) {
        gameResults.winner = "AIplayer";
      } else if (tile[i] === factions.humanPlayer) {
        gameResults.winner = "humanPlayer";
      return true;

  for (var i = 0, j = 4; i <= 2; i = i + 2, j = j - 2) {
    if (tile[i] !== "E" && tile[i] === tile[i + j] && tile[i + j] === tile[i + 2 * j]) {
      if (factions.AIplayer === tile[i]) {
        gameResults.winner = "AIplayer";
      } else if (tile[i] === factions.humanPlayer) {
        gameResults.winner = "humanPlayer";
      return true;

  var check = emptyCells(board); //check if the game ended with a draw
  if (check.length === 0) {
    gameResults.winner = "draw";
    return true;
  } else {
    return false; //if no condition is matched the game has not concluded

var getBestMove = function(board, player) {

  // return an AiMove object initialized to 10 if the AI player wins, -10 if the human player wins and 0 if the game is a draw
  if (isGameOver(board)) {
    if (gameResults.winner === "AIplayer") {
      return new AiMove(10);
    } else if (gameResults.winner === "humanPlayer") {
      return new AiMove(-10);
    } else if (gameResults.winner === "draw") {
      return new AiMove(0);

  var moves = []; //array to store all moves
  var currentPlayer = player;
  for (var i = 0, l = board.length; i < l; i++) { //iterate over the board
    if (board[i] == "E") { //if the tile is empty
      var move = new AiMove; //create new AiMove object and assign a coordinate
      move.coordinates = i;
      board[i] = currentPlayer; //update board
      //call getBestMove recursively with the next player
      if (currentPlayer === factions.AIplayer) {
        move.score = getBestMove(board, factions.humanPlayer).score;
      } else if (currentPlayer === factions.humanPlayer) {
        move.score = getBestMove(board, factions.AIplayer).score;

      board[i] = "E"; //clear tile after move is pushed in to the moves array

  //if it's the AI player's turn select biggest value from the moves array, if it's the human player's turn select the smallest value
  if (currentPlayer === factions.AIplayer) {
    var bestMove = 0;
    var bestScore = -10000;
    for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
      if (moves[i].score > bestScore) {
        bestScore = moves[i].score;
        bestMove = i;
  } else if (currentPlayer === factions.humanPlayer) {
    var bestMove = 0;
    var bestScore = 10000;
    for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
      if (moves[i].score < bestScore) {
        bestMove = i;
        bestScore = moves[i].score;
  return moves[bestMove]; //return best move

var board = [
              "E", "E", "X",
              "E", "E", "X",
              "E", "O", "O"

function AiMove(score) {
    this.score = score;

console.log(getBestMove(board, factions.AIplayer))

EDIT: 可能是这样,因为董事会成立是无法取胜的,并且AI是宿命论的,它是"gives-up"?实施"depth"的概念会解决这个问题吗?

1 回答

  • 2

    在等式中引入深度的想法确实是正确的 .

    在做 moves.push(move) 之前添加以下行:

    move.score = Math.sign(move.score) * (Math.abs(move.score) - 1);

    这将使得分低于1分(-10变为-9,10变为9,......等) . 它表达了这样一种观点,即损失越远,损失越少,胜利越接近,就越好 .

    在你提供的示例板设置中,这将返回6作为最佳移动,这绕过了人类玩家的直接胜利 . 当然,人工智能仍然会在最佳游戏中失败,因为游戏将继续如下:

    . . X     . . X     . . X     X . X     X O X
    . . X  →  . . X  →  . O X  →  . O X  →  . O X
    . O O     X O O     X O O     X O O     X O O

    为了更好的调试可能性,我会编写一个将电路板打印到控制台的功能 . 例如:

    function printBoard(board) {
        console.log(board.slice(0, 3).join (' ').replace(/E/g, '.'));
        console.log(board.slice(3, 6).join (' ').replace(/E/g, '.'));
        console.log(board.slice(6, 9).join (' ').replace(/E/g, '.'));

    您还可以考虑使代码更加面向对象,在Game对象上编写方法,等等 .
