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我在我的Fable-F#项目中使用vis.js依赖项,并希望调用网络功能进行可视化以显示网络 . 如何将F#中的JSON数据传递给网络功能?


open Fable.Import.React
open Fable.Helpers
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Import
open Fable.Import.Browser

    [<Import("default", "vis")>]
    let Network (we: React.event)  = jsNative
    let destination = Browser.document.getElementById "app"
    let response = Network destination  JsonData options


function Network(container, data, options) {
  if (!(this instanceof Network)) {
    throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator');

  // set constant values
  this.options = {};
  this.defaultOptions = {
    locale: 'en',
    locales: locales,
    clickToUse: false

图表使用JS和HTML Github作为参考

1 回答

  • 1


    • 转到@types/vis npm包

    • 点击链接并复制 index.d.ts 文件的内容

    • 将其粘贴到ts2fable online的左侧面板

    • 然后,您可以在项目中复制并保存生成的定义文件(例如 vis.fs 中) . 你将(在写这个anwser的那一刻)有4个错误 . 您可以注释相应的行 .


    // At the top of the file
    type MomentInput = Moment.MomentInput
    type MomentFormatSpecification = Moment.MomentFormatSpecification
    type Moment = Moment.Moment
    // In the middle of it
    type [<AllowNullLiteral>] TimelineStatic =
        interface end
    • 现在您可以使用 vis.js


    // Fable demo ported from http://visjs.org/examples/network/basicUsage.html
    module Client
    open Fable.Core
    open Fable.Core.JsInterop
    open Fable.Import
    // We import the vis.css style
    importSideEffects "vis/dist/vis.css"
    // We create an access to the vis library
    // We could put it under vis.fs file but it's easier to access it from here
    [<Import("*", "vis")>]
    let visLib : vis.IExports = jsNative
    // Helper to make the code easier to read
    let createNode id label =
        jsOptions<vis.Node>(fun o ->
            o.id <- Some !^id
            o.label <- Some label
    // Helper to make the code easier to read
    let createEdge from ``to`` =
        jsOptions<vis.Edge>(fun o ->
            o.from <- Some !^from
            o.``to`` <- Some !^``to``
    // If I was using this library I would probably write some helpers to have something like:
    // Node.empty
    // |> Node.withId 1
    // |> Node.withLabel "My label"
    // |> ...
    // Like that the code is cleaner and more flexible
    // From here this is almost a 1 to 1 with the JavaScript code
    let nodes =
            createNode 1. "Node 1"
            createNode 2. "Node 2"
            createNode 3. "Node 3"
            createNode 4. "Node 4"
            createNode 5. "Node 5"
        |> visLib.DataSet.Create
    let edges =
            createEdge 1. 3.
            createEdge 1. 2.
            createEdge 2. 4.
            createEdge 2. 5.
            createEdge 3. 3.
        |> visLib.DataSet.Create
    let datas =
        jsOptions<vis.Data>(fun o ->
            o.nodes <- Some (U2.Case2 nodes)
            o.edges <- Some (U2.Case2 edges)
    let container = Browser.document.getElementById("elmish-app");
    // Because we don't have any option to pass, we need to give an empty object 
    // otherwise vis.js failed at runtime
    let network = visLib.Network.Create(container, datas, createEmpty)
