我正在学习嵌入式系统,我能够使用buildroot编译和设置SAM9x35 EK,安装引导程序,U-Boot,Linux和rootfs(Buildroot的基本RFS [根文件系统]骨架) . 我有很多问题,但其中一个最重要的问题是:前问题陈述,背景情况:

  • 我已经有一个提供的JFFS2和app内部由几个NetBeans(c)项目组成 .

  • 这些项目使用内置的内核(如果在buildroot的菜单中选择)库

How does it work? How the rootfs and the netbeans (makefiles) connect to linux packages? What I mean is, How the kernel manages the makefiles from the netbeans projects? i.e.: If i create a project that shows a picture on the screen i add some needed packages to the rootfs and then this is flashed to the device. How the kernel knows how to read and run this app? What I have read after doing this question is that Kernel start some script in init.d folder. But I would like a more Conceptual explanation of the interaction between Kernel and Rootfs

任何解释都可以帮助我,因为我不明白究竟是如何工作的 . 该应用程序是一个独立的应用程序,在Linux的开始加载(开机),只是它,它运行并使用硬件来完成其不同的功能 . 请随意使用链接或示例 .

非常感谢你 .