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如何使用Angular 1.5 *组件*和UI Bootstrap Modal解析


我正在尝试使用resolve将数据传递给ubi modal,这是一个Angular 1.5 component . 我知道这是可能的,因为它表明uib模式文档中的组件支持resolve .

component(Type:string,Example:myComponent) - 对Angular编译器注册的要呈现的组件的字符串引用 . 如果使用指令,则该指令必须具有restrict:'E'并设置模板或templateUrl . 它支持这些绑定:(...)resolve - 模态解析值的对象 . 有关详细信息,请参阅UI路由器 .

我发现的所有示例都在open方法中声明了templateurl / controller . 然后将在resolve中声明的项注入控制器 . 我将一个Angular 1.5组件传递给模态(不是templateurl / controller),当我尝试从resolve中注入项目时,我遇到了一个可怕的“unknow provider”错误 .

这是我的代码 . 我想通过一个网址 .

Controller of component calling the model

ParentController.$inject = ['$uibModal'];

function ParentController $uibModal) {
  var $ctrl = this;

  $ctrl.openComponentModal = function(url) {
    var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
      animation: false,
      component: "ImageModalComponent",
      resolve: {
        url: function() {
          return url;

Controller in component that is the modal

ImageModalController.$inject = ['url'];

function ImageModalController(url) {
  var $ctrl = this;

  $ctrl.$onInit = function() {


1 回答

  • 11

    对于组件,需要将resolve添加到绑定中,然后在隔离范围上提供 . 换句话说,在声明组件时添加 resolve: '<' .

    Modal Component

    var template = require('./image_modal.component.html');
    var ImageModalController = require('./image_modal.controller');
    module.exports = {
      template: template,
      bindings: {
        close: '&',
        resolve: ‘<‘
      controller: ImageModalController

    Controller of component calling the model

    ParentController.$inject = ['$uibModal'];
    function ParentController $uibModal){
      var $ctrl = this;
         $ctrl.openComponentModal = function (urlFromClickEvent) {
            var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
              animation: false,
              component: "ImageModalComponent",
              resolve: {
                url: function() {
                  return url;

    Controller of component that is the modal

    ImageModalController.$inject = [];
    function ImageModalController() {
      var $ctrl = this;
      $ctrl.$onInit = function () {
