在此先感谢您的帮助 !

当我启动%HADOOP_HOME%\ sbin目录\启动dfs.cmd,它的工作原理,然后当我做%HADOOP_HOME%\ sbin目录\启动yarn.cmd这是行不通的,它打开两个窗口说:“命令的ResourceManager找不到”和“命令”nodemanager“找不到 .

我一直在努力解决这个问题,但没有找到任何解决办法,并尝试了很多东西 . 这是我的yarn-site.xml:

        <description>Minimum limit of memory to allocate to each container request at the Resource Manager.</description>
        <description>Maximum limit of memory to allocate to each container request at the Resource Manager.</description>
        <description>The minimum allocation for every container request at the RM, in terms of virtual CPU cores. Requests lower than this won't take effect, and the specified value will get allocated the minimum.</description>
        <description>The maximum allocation for every container request at the RM, in terms of virtual CPU cores. Requests higher than this won't take effect, and will get capped to this value.</description>
        <description>Physical memory, in MB, to be made available to running containers</description>
        <description>Number of CPU cores that can be allocated for containers.</description>
