嗨FullCalendar偷看 .

我们在整合FullCalendar和FullCalendar Scheduler时遇到问题:

我们正在使用日历来 Build 一个人们可以预订房间的预订系统 . 如果有过去的预订,包括今天,然后结账将来,则会出现问题 .

假设今天是2017年7月19日,预订时间为2017年7月16日至7月22日 .

当我们加载任何视图(timelineDay,timelineWeek,timeline2Week)时,如果今天(当天)它们“跨越”,我们就不会看到数据中存在的事件 .

FullCalendar JS on page

$( document ).ready(function() {

    schedulerLicenseKey: 'CC-Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives',

    ///// Options
    editable: true,
    height: 'auto',
    header: {
      left: 'today prev,next',
      center: 'title',
      right: 'timelineDay,timelineWeek,timeline2Week,timelineMonth,timelineYear'
    allDayDefault: true,
    eventOverlap: false,
    navLinks: true,
    resourceAreaWidth: '15%',
    resourceLabelText: 'Rooms',

    ///// Creates views to use.
    views: {
      timelineDay: {
        slotDuration: {days: 1}
      timelineWeek: {
        slotDuration: {days: 1}
      timeline2Week: {
       type: 'timelineWeek',
       duration: { days: 14 },
       slotDuration: {days: 1}
    defaultView: 'timeline2Week',

    ///// Collection of Rooms
    resources: '{{route('api.rooms')}}',

    ///// Collection of Reservations
    events: '{{route('api.calendar')}}',

    ///// Creates popover of reservation info.
    eventRender: function(event,element) {
        title: function() {
          return "<strong>" + event.full_name + "</strong>";
        placement: 'auto',
        html: true,
        trigger: 'hover',
        animation: 'true',
        content: function() {
          return "<p># Guests: <strong>" + event.guest_count + "</strong><br>Total: <strong>" + event.total + "</strong><br>Paid: <strong class=\"at-lime\">" + event.paid + "</strong><br>Owes: <strong class=\"at-orange\">" + event.owes + "</strong><br>Check In: <strong>" + event.checkin + "</strong><br>Check Out: <strong>" + event.checkout + "</strong></p>"
        container: 'body'
      if(event.lock_room == 1){          
        element.find(".fc-title").prepend("<i class='fa fa-lock'></i> ");

    ///// Select a date range to start a new reservation.
    selectable: true,
    selectHelper: true,
    selectOverlap: false,
    select: function(start, end, jsEvent, view, resourceObj) {
      // Set checkin date
      var checkin = start.format();
      // Set checkout date
      var checkout = end.format();  
      // alert('Checkin: ' + checkin + ' :: Checkout: ' + checkout);
      // Set room_id
      var room_id = resourceObj.id;
      // Create url to new reservatin page
      var url = "{{ route('reservations.create') }}?room_id=" + room_id + "&checkin=" + checkin + "&checkout=" + checkout + "";
      // Send to new reservation page
      window.location.href = url;

Sample from Events Feed 此示例包含一个保留三个不同房间的预留(id:10)(resourceId:1,resourceId:8,resourceId:5) .

        "id": 10,
        "resourceId": 1,
        "start": "2017-07-16",
        "end": "2017-07-22",
        "title": "Fulchiron, R",
        "guest_count": 4,
        "paid": "$2,655.00",
        "total": "$5,734.80",
        "owes": "$3,079.80",
        "checkin": "Sun, Jul 16th",
        "checkout": "Sat, Jul 22nd",
        "full_name": "Richard Fulchiron",
        "lock_room": 1,
        "id": 10,
        "resourceId": 8,
        "start": "2017-07-16",
        "end": "2017-07-22",
        "title": "Fulchiron, R",
        "guest_count": 4,
        "paid": "$2,655.00",
        "total": "$5,734.80",
        "owes": "$3,079.80",
        "checkin": "Sun, Jul 16th",
        "checkout": "Sat, Jul 22nd",
        "full_name": "Richard Fulchiron",
        "lock_room": 1,
        "id": 10,
        "resourceId": 5,
        "start": "2017-07-16",
        "end": "2017-07-22",
        "title": "Fulchiron, R",
        "guest_count": 4,
        "paid": "$2,655.00",
        "total": "$5,734.80",
        "owes": "$3,079.80",
        "checkin": "Sun, Jul 16th",
        "checkout": "Sat, Jul 22nd",
        "full_name": "Richard Fulchiron",
        "lock_room": 1,

如果预订的开始日期在当前视图上,则会正确显示预约(事件),如此处所示 .

enter image description here

然而,如果预订的开始日期在当前视图之前,则预约不会显示,如此处所示 .

enter image description here

由于我们的默认日历加载日期显示在日历的最左侧,因此我们没有看到当前的预订 .

我确信我们错过了一些简单的设置或忽略了一些东西 . 然而,我们还没有到底 .

在我创造一个小提琴之前,我想知道是否有人有一个快速回答 .

先感谢您 .