我正在使用Python和Flask创建一个API,并在本地运行它 MyApp.run() ,它似乎按计划运行 .

当我将其部署到我的Web托管服务提供商时,我看到了相同类型的日志输出,但我也看到启动日志消息多次出现 . 例如,启动时出现以下内容:

[2018-12-10 09:17:39,587] INFO [root.setup_logging:12] Started logging with config/logging.cfg and debugging: True
[2018-12-10 09:17:40,238] INFO [api.create_app:116] Started production app src.api


[2018-12-10 09:17:39,587] INFO [root.setup_logging:12] Started logging with config/logging.cfg and debugging: True
[2018-12-10 09:17:40,238] INFO [api.create_app:116] Started production app src.api
... (assume normal INFO messages here)
[2018-12-10 09:57:39,844] INFO [root.setup_logging:12] Started logging with config/logging.cfg and debugging: True
[2018-12-10 09:57:39,906] INFO [util.days:89] 2018-12-29 is not a working day
[2018-12-10 09:57:39,908] INFO [util.days:89] 2018-12-30 is not a working day
[2018-12-10 09:57:39,909] INFO [util.days:89] 2018-12-31 is not a working day
[2018-12-10 09:57:39,911] INFO [util.days:89] 2019-01-01 is not a working day
[2018-12-10 09:57:40,457] INFO [api.create_app:116] Started production app src.api

我担心的是,我在某种程度上错过了一些导致Passenger突然重启的错误输出,或者错过了某种可能会让我感到困惑的“多次启动”场景 .

我错过了导致此错误的错误吗? Can Passenger可以故意启动我的Flask应用程序的多个实例吗?这不会导致对象实例f.x出现问题 . 与SQLAlchemy有关?