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我们正在开发的当前应用程序包含2个应用程序 . WebApi应用程序和MVC前端应用程序 . 对于WebApi,我通过OWIN添加了对承载令牌授权的支持 . 这些应用程序在同一域中作为单独的网站运行,但具有自己的子域site.xxx.xxx,api.xxx.xxx

对WebAPi进行身份验证,f.e . 使用邮递员,按设计工作,主要和身份对象,包括索赔,正确初始化 .

当我想从Mvc应用程序中登录WEbApi时出现问题 .

有没有办法在通过WebAPI通过/ token url在某种程度上共享OWIN上下文之后获取ClaimsPrincipal和ClaimsIdentity,或者我们应该在MVC应用程序中实现相同的OWIN授权功能来创建单独的autorization “路线”?

1 回答

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    就在这里 . 要注意的事情

    • 默认情况下,您从Web api返回的令牌将被加密 . 您的Web应用程序需要解密此令牌才能从承载令牌中提取声明 . 为此,您必须在两台服务器上拥有相同的机器密钥(您的webapi web.config和mvc web.config需要具有相同的机器密钥)

    • 您的MVC Web应用程序需要连接承载令牌和应用程序cookie . 您的startup.auth.cs可能包含以下内容:

    public static OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions OAuthBearerOptions { get; private set; }
    static Startup()
        OAuthBearerOptions = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions();
    public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
        app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
            AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
            LoginPath = new PathString("/Account/Login")


    //Assume that the token that you got from web api is in the variable called accessToken
    //Decrypt this token first. If your machine keys are the same, the following line will work
    var unencryptedToken = Startup.OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(accessToken);
    //Next, extract the claims identity from the token
    var identity = unencryptedToken.Identity;
    //Need to create a claims identity that uses a cookie (not a bearer token). An MVC app 
    //knows how to deal with a claims identity using an application cookie, but doesn't know 
    //how to deal with a claims identity using a bearer token. So this is a translation step 
    //from a web api authentication mechanism to the mvc authentication mechanism
    var id = new ClaimsIdentity(identity.Claims, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
    //At this moment, your new claims identity using an application cookie is ready, but we still
    //need to sign in. Use the OWIN Auth manager from the context to sign in. This will create  
    //the application cookie and correctly populate User.IsAuthenticated(). From now on, you are 
    //logged in
