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将CKEditor Format插件自定义为一个简单的按钮


内置格式插件是可能标签的下拉列表(h1,h2,p,pre ..) . 可以在配置文件中轻松配置标签列表 .

我只使用一个标签,因此下拉列表会使工具栏复杂化并影响可用性 .




简单地说,工具栏按钮将模拟下拉项目选择,单击“ Headers 1” .

1 回答

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    据我所知,格式不能为外部调用提供方便的界面,但您可以创建自己的插件 .

    基本上它归结为使用 CKEDITOR.style 对象:

    // Creates a style object, 
    var styleObj = new CKEDITOR.style( { element: 'pre' } );
    editor.applyStyle( styleObj );
    // Or if you wish to remove style:
    // editor.removeStyle( styleObj );

    我创建了一个简单的,功能齐全的示例插件,名为 myFormat

    ( function() {
        "use strict";
        var pluginName = 'myFormat';
        CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName, {
            icons: pluginName, // If you wish to have an icon...
            init: function( editor ) {
                // Tagname which you'd like to apply.
                var tag = 'h2',
                    // Note: that we're reusing.
                    //style = new CKEDITOR.style( editor.config[ 'format_' + tag ] );
                    style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element: 'pre' } );
                // Creates a command for our plugin, here command will apply style. All the logic is
                // inside CKEDITOR.styleCommand#exec function so we don't need to implement anything.
                editor.addCommand( pluginName, new CKEDITOR.styleCommand( style ) );
                // This part will provide toolbar button highlighting in editor.
                editor.attachStyleStateChange( style, function( state ) {
                    !editor.readOnly && editor.getCommand( pluginName ).setState( state );
                } );
                // This will add button to the toolbar.
                editor.ui.addButton( 'MyFormat', {
                    label: 'Click to apply format',
                    command: pluginName,
                    toolbar: 'insert,5'
                } );
        } );
    } )();

    只需将代码放入 <ckeditorDirectory>/ckeditor-dev/plugins/myFormat/plugin.js 即可 .

    不要忘记修改您的CKEditor配置以包含 myFormat 插件,并将一些奇特的图标放到 <ckeditorDirectory>/ckeditor-dev/plugins/myFormat/icons/myFormat.png .
