我遇到问题让Flow在不同文件中正确识别类型 . 如果我将所有代码放入单个文件中,请键入check pass,但是当各个类在单独的文件中并导入(ed)时,Flow会阻塞 . 有人找到了解决方法吗?

// FoundationTypes,js
type InstanceOfClassExtractor = <C>(Class<C>) => C;
type InstanceOf<Cls: Class<any>> = $Call<InstanceOfClassExtractor, Cls>;
type NullableExtractor = <T>(T) => T | null;
type Nullable<Obj: any> = $Call<NullableExtractor, Obj>;
export type id = Object | null;

// MyObject.js
//import type {id, InstanceOf} from "./FoundationTypes";
//import MyString from "./MyString";
//import MyException, {MyInvalidArgumentException} from "./MyException";
class MyObject {
    static alloc(): Object {
        return new this();

    static new(): id {
        return this.alloc().init();
    init(): id {
        return this;


// MyString.js
//import type {id, Nullable, InstanceOf} from "./FoundationTypes";
//import MyObject from "./MyObject";
//import MyException, {MyInvalidArgumentException} from "./MyException";
class MyString extends MyObject {
    __jsString: string;

    constructor(jsString?: string) {
        if (jsString !== null && jsString !== undefined)
            this.__jsString = jsString;

    static stringWithFormat(format: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, ...args: Array<any>): id {
        return this.alloc().initWithFormat(format, ...args);

    initWithFormat(format: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, ...args: Array<any>): id {
        if (format === null) {
            throw MyException.raise_format(MyInvalidArgumentException, new MyString("Nil value passed to initWithFormat:")

error, message: new MyString("Nil value passed to initWithFormat:") (Cannot call 'MyException.raise_format' with 'new MyString(...)' bound to 'format' because 'MyString' [1] is incompatible with 'MyString' [2].)


        let self: id = super.init();
        if (self) {
            // %@ will always be a string, so convert, but objects must change to description
            let formatString = format.__jsString.replace(/%@/, '%s');
            let values: Array<number|string|boolean> = args.map(element => element instanceof MyObject ? element.description() : element);
            //self.__jsString = sprintf(formatString, ...values);
        return self;


export const MyInvalidArgumentException: InstanceOf<Class<MyString>> = new MyString("MyInvalidArgumentException");

export default class MyException extends MyObject {

    __name: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>> = null;
    __reason: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>> = null;
    __userInfo: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyObject>>> = null;

    static exceptionWithName_reason_userInfo(name: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, reason: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, userInfo: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyObject>>>): id {
        const exception: id = this.new();
        if (exception) {
            exception.__name = name;
            exception.__reason = reason;
            exception.__userInfo = userInfo;
        return exception

    static raise_format(name: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, format: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, ...args: Array<any>): void {
        const reason: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>> = MyString.stringWithFormat(format, ...args);
        throw this.exceptionWithName_reason_userInfo(name, reason, null);

    static raise_format_arguments(name: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, format: Nullable<InstanceOf<Class<MyString>>>, args: Array<any>): void {
        this.raise_format(name, format, ...args);