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根据laravel中的相同类别制作'Related To'部分


我有一个网站,我发布食谱 . 他们每个人都有一个类别,我想再显示2-3个与该帖子相同类别的帖子 . 我如何构建一个查询来显示它?我有一个Post Model和Category模型,它们之间有一个belongsToMany关系,它填充了一个数据透视表,我将这些类别绑定到一个帖子 .

这是我的BController中的函数,这是将数据传递给用户可以访问和查看的视图的函数 .

public function slug(Request $request, $slug)

        if (Auth::check()) {
          $fav = DB::table('post_user')->whereUserId(Auth::id())->pluck('post_id')->all();
         /*get search query from slug page*/
        /*display the results of the search*/
        if ($query) {
            $posts = $query ? Post::search($query)
            ->paginate(7) : Post::all();
            return view('home', compact('posts','fav'));
       /*the $url veriable is for share buttons*/
           else {
            $url = $request->url();
            $post = Post::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
            return view('b.s', compact('post','url'));


this is my Post model:

public function categories(){
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Category');

this is in Category model:

public function posts(){
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Post');

The pivot table is like so:




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    您可以使用 whereHas 在相关表上添加约束,如下所示:

    // get the post usnig slug
    $post = Post::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
    // get the related categories id of the $post
    $related_category_ids = $post->categories()->pluck('categories.id');
    // get the related post of the categories $related_category_ids
    $related_posts = Post::whereHas('categories', function ($q) use($related_category_ids) {
            $q->whereIn('category_id', $related_category_ids)
        ->where('id', '<>', $post->id)


    $related_posts 传递给您的视图并将其用作:

    @foreach ($related_posts as $related_post)
        <li>{{ related_post->title }}</li>
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    可能的解决方案是包含一段代码以获得所需的类别 .

    如果我正确理解您的模型,您可以有几个类别 . 所以,我们需要收集你帖子的所有类别,并且只保留id;我们必须排除当前对象的帖子ID :)

    $post = Post::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
    // get Category IDs. There are others ways to do it.
    $categoriesId = [];
    foreach( $post->categories as $category ) {
      $categoriesId[] = $cateogyr->id;
    // get similar posts
    $others = Post::
         whereIn('categories', $categoriesId)
       ->where('id', '!=', $post->id)


    $others = Post::
       with(array('YourPivot' => function($query) use($categoriesId)
           whereIn('categories', $categoriesId)
       ->where('id', '!=', $post->id)
