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避免链接列表中的额外Malloc(node-> next = NULL)


在我的链表中,我试图避免添加一个额外的节点而不添加一堆 if 语句等 . 我有以下内容:

polynomial create()
    polynomial head = NULL;
    polynomial temp = NULL;
    int numTerms, coefficient, exponent;
    int counter = 0;

    printf("Enter the number of terms in the polynomial: ");
    scanf ("%d", &numTerms);

    if (numTerms == 0) {
        head = malloc(sizeof(term));
        head->coef = 0; head->exp = 0; head->next = NULL;
        return head;
    while (numTerms != counter) {
        // Ask for input
        printf("Enter the coefficient and exponent of term %d: ", (counter + 1));
        scanf("%d %d", &coefficient, &exponent);

        // Create the term
        if (temp == NULL) temp = malloc(sizeof(term));
        temp->coef = coefficient; temp->exp = exponent; temp->next = NULL;
        //if((numTerms - 1) != counter) temp->next = malloc(sizeof(term)); -- this is my workaround
        printf("Created: %d %d\n", temp->coef, temp->exp);

        // If this is the first node created, mark the head
        if (counter == 0) head = temp;
        // Increment the list and counter
        temp = temp->next;
        counter ++;
    return head;


Polynomial 1: 3x^4 - >在这种情况下,对head-> next的引用为NULL

所以我尝试了以下解决方法 - 只为新节点预先分配内存,但前提是这是用户输入的最后一次迭代 . 这通过以下方式实现:

用_替换 temp->next = NULL;

if((numTerms - 1) != counter) temp->next = malloc(sizeof(term));

numTerms - 1 阻止添加'extra node',而malloc用于保持对temp-> next的引用 . 如果我不使用 if 检查并且总是分配额外的内存,我最终会得到以下结果:

Polynomial 1: 3x^4 - 7x^2 + 5 + 10621224x^10617028

我错过了哪一部分分配会导致对temp-> next的引用丢失?对于指针和内存管理,我真的非常糟糕,所以这可能是一个可怕的问题 .

2 回答

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    你做得比实际需要的要困难得多 . 考虑符合以下内容的链表的简单节点群:

    • 假设NULL表示空列表

    • 分配头指针,而不必为每次分配测试它 .

    • 一个,每个节点只需要一个分配 .

    • 节点以条目顺序显示在列表中 . 列表中的第一个节点是您输入的第一个节点,第二个节点是您输入的第二个节点,等等 .


    struct node
        // your fields here
        struct node *next;
    struct node* populate_list()
        struct node *head = NULL;
        struct node **pp = &head;
        int i=0, count=0;
        // TODO: set count: get your insertion limit here. 
        // now run the insertion loop
        for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
            struct node *p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
            // TODO: initialize your node members here
            // save to our current tail-pointer, which is initially
            //  also the head pointer. then advance to the new tail
            //  pointer and continue the loop
            *pp = p;
            pp = &p->next;
        // terminate the list.
        *pp = NULL;
        // and return the head pointer.
        return head;

    注意: p 仅用于清晰 . 您可以轻松地将该循环体减少到以下,这是完全有效的:

    // now run the insertion loop
        for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
            *pp = malloc(sizeof(**pp));
            // TODO: initialize your node members here
            //  using (*pp)->member for access
            // save next pointer and continue.    
            pp = &(*pp)->next;

    Adapting Your Code


    polynomial create()
        polynomial head = NULL;
        polynomial *pp = &head;
        int numTerms, coefficient, exponent;
        int counter = 0;
        // prompt for valid number of terms.
        printf("Enter the number of terms in the polynomial: ");
        scanf ("%d", &numTerms);
        while (numTerms != counter)
            // Ask for input
            printf("Enter the coefficient and exponent of term %d: ", (counter + 1));
            if (scanf("%d %d", &coefficient, &exponent) == 2)
                *pp = malloc(sizeof(**pp));
                (*pp)->coef = coefficient;
                (*pp)->exp = exponent;
                pp = &(*pp)->next;
            {   // eat the line and try again.
        *pp = NULL;
        return head;
  • 0

    此外,您将发现存储中缀表达式(如上所述)对二叉树的效果要好得多 . 您使用操作(, - ,*,/,^)表示树的节点,并且还有一个括号树(其下的所有内容都是一个表达式,用括号括起来 .

    当您浏览表达式时,您将构建一个树,您将发现它可以递归执行 .

    打印树是使用深度优先,左节点右遍历完成的 .
