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游戏需要这些功能,它可以工作,但它不会显示胜利者 . 因为这是明天晚上到期的结果 . 它今天被分配给我 . 我已尽力而为,而且我根本不知道该做些什么 .

该游戏由计算机随机挑选 13 . 1 正在摇滚, 2 是纸, 3 是剪刀 . 计算机选择不会显示't need to be displayed in the beginning. Then the user is supposed to enter in either rock paper or scissors. After that the computer' . 根据石头剪刀的基本规则选择胜利者 . 如果两个球员都有相同的答案,则认为是平局 .

而对于我的成绩,它必须具有 main()get_ComputerMove()get_PlayerMove()calculateWinner() 的功能 . 谢谢 .

import random

def startAgain():
    randomNumber = getRandomNumber()
    computerChoice = get_ComputerMove(randomNumber)
    userChoice = get_PlayerMove()
    print('The computer chose', computerChoice )
    winner, message = calculateWinner(computerChoice,userChoice )
    if winner != 'no winner':
        print(winner,'won(',message, ')')        

def getRandomNumber():
    randomNumber = random.randint( 1, 3 )
    return randomNumber

def get_ComputerMove( randomNumber ):
    if randomNumber == 1:
        computerChoice = "rock"
    elif randomNumber == 2:
        computerChoice = "paper"
        computerChoice = "scissors"

    return computerChoice
def get_PlayerMove():
    userChoice = input("Please enter your choice")
    return userChoice

def calculateWinner( computerChoice, userChoice ):
    rockMessage = "The rock smashes the scissors"
    scissorsMessage = "Scissors cuts paper"
    paperMessage = "Paper covers the rock"
    winner = "no winner"
    message = ""
    if computerChoice == "rock" and userChoice == "scissors":
       winner = "Computer"
       message = rockMessage
    elif computerChoice == "scissors" and userChoice == "rock":
       winner = "you"
       message = rockMessage
    if computerChoice == "scissors" and userChoice == "paper":
       winner = "Computer"
       message = scissorsMessage
    elif computerChoice == "paper" and userChoice == "scissors":
       winner = "you"
       message = scissorsMessage
    if computerChoice == "paper" and userChoice == "rock":
       winner = "Computer"
       message = paperMessage
    elif computerChoice == "rock" and userChoice == "paper":
       winner = "you"
       message = paperMessage                 
    return winner, message 
def main():
    randomNumber = getRandomNumber()
    computerChoice = get_ComputerMove(randomNumber)
    userChoice = get_PlayerMove()
    print("The computer chose" , computerChoice )
    winner,message = calculateWinner( computerChoice,userChoice )
    if winner != "no winner":
        print(winner,"won(",message, ")")
    while winner == "no winner":
        print('You both chose the same thing')
        winner = startAgain()       

1 回答

  • 1

    如果你想 repeat 游戏 until 它有一个胜利者, while loop 哎呀:

    def main():
        winner = "no winner"
        while winner == "no winner":
            randomNumber = getRandomNumber()
            computerChoice = get_ComputerMove(randomNumber)
            userChoice = get_PlayerMove()
            print("The computer chose", computerChoice)
            winner, message = calculateWinner(computerChoice, userChoice)
            if winner != "no winner":
                print(winner, "won(", message, ")")
                print('You both chose the same thing')
