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连接到SnapChat API


我们目前正在开发一个应用程序,我们希望有一个功能发布到Snapchat . 我的开发人员很难搞清楚 . 任何帮助是极大的赞赏!


"I'm still working on the SnapChat API, but the thing is that the Secret Key that the Private Third Party API's have provided may have change by the SnapChat officially. Because the " auth_token " that I'm getting after applying the SHA256 Encryption Algo, is correct and same as that is shown in the hacked API's but reply coming is "未经授权的用户“ . 您提供的链接(https://github.com/hatboysam/JavaSnap)也提供了相同的输出 . 所以我认为实现SnapChat API似乎很安静 . ”

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    我首先要说的是反对他们的应用程序并使用他们的API反对Snapchat's Terms and Conditions

    特此授予您访问和使用服务和Snapchat内容的有限,非独占,不可再授权的许可 . 此许可证随时可撤销 . 本许可受这些条款的约束,不包括:与未经授权的或第三方客户访问Snapchat API;和

    相反,如果您正在为Snapchat的第三方应用程序工作,我建议您通过GibSec阅读有关Snapchat API的文章 .

    Snapchat Full Disclosure
