我们通过串行连接与远程设备连接 . 远程设备发送心跳字符 - 发送下划线“". On the rasbperry pi tkinterface is running a GUI application. A thread has been created to handle the serial communications. The " " is sent every 2 tenths of a second. When the thread recognizes that the " _”,线程可以发送命令 . 如果时机正确,则该过程看起来应该是这样的 . .

是否可以在收到响应时产生UART中断,以免给处理指令循环的进程带来负担 .


Cfg.RSdata = 's'    # poll for status updates
    Cfg.PIC_CMD = Cfg.PIC_Ver
    while self.port.isOpen():
        RS485read = self.port.read()
        RS485read = RS485read.decode('utf-8', "ignore")

        if RS485read != "":
            if RS485read == Cfg.HeartBeat:   #  Rx _ heartbeat
                after the heart beat see if there is data to be sent
                if Cfg.RSdata is not empy then send the data
                if Cfg.RSdata != None:
                    GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH)  # set pin High to write
                    #print('sending character', Cfg.RSdata)
                    if Cfg.PIC_CMD == Cfg.PIC_Stop:    # X
                        Cfg.RSdata = 'X'    # poll for status updates
                        Cfg.PIC_CMD = Cfg.PIC_Ver
                    if Cfg.PIC_CMD == Cfg.PIC_Run:    # Y
                        Cfg.RSdata = 'Y'    # poll for status updates
                        Cfg.PIC_CMD = Cfg.PIC_Ver
                    GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW)   # set pin low to read

            elif ord(RS485read) != 0:
                if we did not receive a heart beat character or a null 
                then we need to process the response received
                if Cfg.PIC_CMD == Cfg.PIC_Ver:    # ?
                    Cfg.PIC_Ver_Rx = []
                    cnt = Cfg.PIC_Ver_len               
                    for x in range(0, cnt):
                        RS485read = self.port.read()
                        RS485read = RS485read.decode('utf-8', "ignore")
                    Cfg.RSdata = 's'    # poll for status updates
                    Cfg.PIC_CMD = Cfg.PIC_Ver
                if Cfg.PIC_CMD == Cfg.PIC_Stat:   # s
                    Cfg.PIC_Stat_Rx = []
                    cnt = Cfg.PIC_Stat_len * (Cfg.MotorControlModules + 1)  
                    for x in range(0, cnt):
                        RS485read = self.port.read()
                        RS485read = RS485read.decode('utf-8', "ignore")