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我正在尝试根据它们的值按降序对Coin对象数组进行排序 . 我的Coin类中有一个getValue()方法 . 我的问题是最终结果根本没有排序 . 这就是我最终得到的 . 我似乎无法弄清楚我哪里出错了任何提示都会有所帮助

在我们排序之前:[Coin [value = 0.25,name = quarter],Coin [value = 0.01,name = penny],Coin [value = 0.1,name = dime],Coin [value = 1.0,name = dollar],Coin [值= 0.05,名称=镍]]

预期:[Coin [value = 0.25,name = quarter],Coin [value = 0.01,name = penny],Coin [value = 0.1,name = dime],Coin [value = 1.0,name = dollar],Coin [value] = 0.05,名称=镍]]

排序后:[Coin [value = 0.01,name = penny],Coin [value = 0.1,name = dime],Coin [value = 0.25,name = quarter],Coin [value = 1.0,name = dollar],Coin [值= 0.05,名称=镍]]

预期:[硬币[值= 1.0,名称=美元],硬币[值= 0.25,名称=季度],硬币[值= 0.1,名称=硬币],硬币[值= 0.05,名称=镍],硬币[值= 0.01,名称=便士]]

import java.util.Arrays;

   This class sorts an array of coins, using the selection sort
public class CoinSelectionSorter
    private Coin[] list;

      Constructs a selection sorter.
      @param anArray the array to sort.
   public CoinSelectionSorter(Coin[] anArray)
      list = anArray;

    public String toString()
      return Arrays.toString(list);
      Finds the largest coin in an array range.
      @param from the first position in a to compare
      @return the position of the largest coin in the
      range a[from] . . . a[a.length - 1]
   public int maximumPosition(int from)
      int max = from;
      for(int i = 0; i < list.length-1; i++){
          if(list[i].getValue() > list[max].getValue()){
              max = i;
      return max;

      Sorts an array.
   public void sort()
      for(int i = 0; i < list.length -1; i++){
          int max = maximumPosition(i);
          swap(i, max);

      Swaps two entries of the array.
      @param i the first position to swap
      @param j the second position to swap
   public void swap(int i, int j)
      Coin temp = list[i];
      list[i] = list[j];
      list[j] = temp;

1 回答

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    在类硬币中,介绍 public class Coin implements Comparable

    你应该实现一个方法: CompareTo(Coin p) // p是一个例子

    在此方法中介绍: return this.r-prueva.r; //您将在下一步中使用此步骤Comparable.Sort


    public class Coin implements Comparable<Coin >{
        Integer r;
        String p;
        public Coin(Integer r,String p) {
            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
            this.r = r;
            this.p = p;
        public int compareTo(Coin test) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return this.r - test.r;

    多数民众赞成...现在在你的 class 你可以创建一个方法或引入它来排序数组:

    List<Coin> fileList = Arrays.asList(list); // Introduce Array in List
    Collections.sort(list); // sort List
    list = filelist.toArray(list) // introduce the sorted list in array



    public class Coin implements Comparable<Coin >{
            Integer r;
            String p;
            public Coin(Integer r,String p) {
                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
                this.r = r;
                this.p = p;
            public int compareTo(Coin test) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                return this.r - test.r;

    您的 class CoinSelectionSorted可能如此......

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    public class CoinSelectionSorter{
        public void sort() {
           Coin[] list =  new Coin[] {new Coin(2, "Johan"),
                                        new Coin(5, "peter"),
                                        new Coin(1, "robin"),
                                        new Coin(15, "walker"),
                                        }; // example data;
           List <Coin> p = Arrays.asList(list);
           System.out.println(p); // only good print if you have implement ToString in class coin
          list = p.toArray(list); your sorted array.


