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我有一个12个预测变量的数据框和一个名为BEI的数字列表(我想预测) . 我想对每12行数据进行逐步选择,例如1:12,2:13等 . 对于每次滚动,我想返回系数并使用系数来预测BEI . 以下是我的代码:

k = length(BEI)
coef.list <- numeric()
predicted.list <- numeric()
for(i in 1:(k-11)){
  BEI.subset <- BEI[i:(i+11)]
  predictors.subset <- predictors[c(i:(i+11)),]
  fit.stepwise <- regsubsets(BEI.subset~., data = predictors.subset, nvmax = 10, method = "forward")
  fit.summary <- summary(fit.stepwise)
  id <- which.min(fit.summary$cp)
  coefficients <- coef(fit.stepwise,id)
  coef.list <- append(coef.list, coefficients)
  form <- as.formula(fit.stepwise$call[[2]])
  mat <- model.matrix(form,predictors.subset)
  predicted.stepwise <- mat[,names(coefficients)]%*%coefficients
  predicted.list <- append(predicted.list, predicted.stepwise)


警告是:1:在leaps.setup(x,y,wt = wt,nbest = nbest,nvmax = nvmax,...:找到1个线性依赖关系2:在leaps.setup(x,y,wt = wt, nbest = nbest,nvmax = nvmax,...:找到1个线性相关性3:在leaps.setup中(x,y,wt = wt,nbest = nbest,nvmax = nvmax,...:找到1个线性相关性...等等


1 回答

  • 0

    您遇到错误的原因是滚动数据子集的缺失值(NA) .


    # [1] 47  6
    split_swiss <- lapply(1:nrow(swiss), function(x) swiss[x:(x+11),])
    # [1] 47  ## rolling subset produce 47 data.frames. 
    lapply(tail(split_swiss), head) # show the first 6 rows of the last 6 data.frames 
                 Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
    Neuchatel         64.4        17.6          35        32    16.92             23.0
    Val de Ruz        77.6        37.6          15         7     4.97             20.0
    ValdeTravers      67.6        18.7          25         7     8.65             19.5
    V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
    Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
    Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
                 Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
    Val de Ruz        77.6        37.6          15         7     4.97             20.0
    ValdeTravers      67.6        18.7          25         7     8.65             19.5
    V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
    Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
    Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
    NA                  NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
                 Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
    ValdeTravers      67.6        18.7          25         7     8.65             19.5
    V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
    Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
    Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
    NA                  NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.1                NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
                 Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
    V. De Geneve      35.0         1.2          37        53    42.34             18.0
    Rive Droite       44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
    Rive Gauche       42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
    NA                  NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.1                NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.2                NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
                 Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
    Rive Droite      44.7        46.6          16        29    50.43             18.2
    Rive Gauche      42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
    NA                 NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.1               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.2               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.3               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
                Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
    Rive Gauche      42.8        27.7          22        29    58.33             19.3
    NA                 NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.1               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.2               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.3               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA
    NA.4               NA          NA          NA        NA       NA               NA

    如果您要使用这些data.frames运行regsubsets,那么会出现错误,其中预测变量比情况多 .

    lapply(split_swiss, function(x) regsubsets(Fertility ~., data=x, nvmax=10, method="forward"))
     Error in leaps.setup(x, y, wt = wt, nbest = nbest, nvmax = nvmax, force.in = force.in,  : 
      y and x different lengths In addition: Warning messages:
    1: In leaps.setup(x, y, wt = wt, nbest = nbest, nvmax = nvmax, force.in = force.in,  :
      1  linear dependencies found


    split_swiss_2 <- split_swiss[sapply(lapply(split_swiss, na.omit), nrow) == 12]
    lapply(split_swiss_2, function(x) regsubsets(Fertility ~., data=x, nvmax=10, method="forward"))
