我试图用Altera的Quartus和Modelsim模拟RAM内存 . 问题在于,当我在测试台中为data_inout分配值并进行模拟时,波总是处于'U'状态 . 当我执行data_inout <=“0000000000001010”时,它不会取任何值;例如,如果我使用data_inout <= aux_data;我想要的只是测试它在数组上写一些值,然后阅读它们进行大学练习,没什么特别的 . 知道如何模拟吗?

谢谢 .

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity ram_program is

        dir : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
        read_write,cs : in std_logic;
        data_inout : inout std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)

end entity ram_program;

architecture code_ram_program of ram_program is 

type tipo_ram is array (255 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
signal ram : tipo_ram;

MEM_RAM: process (cs,read_write,datos_in_out,dir)

    if (cs = '1' and read_write = '1') then
        ram(to_integer(unsigned(dir))) <= data_inout;
    end if;

    if (cs = '1' and read_write = '0') then
        data_inout <= ram(to_integer(unsigned(dir)));
    end if;

end process MEM_RAM;

end architecture code_ram_program;