在开发应用程序时,我使用扩展来隐藏对代码中特定库的依赖 . 我希望方法名称与库中的名称完全相同 .

这种方法有助于大大减少对外部库的依赖(用不同的方式交换它,我只需要重写桥中的函数) . 但是,在扩展的情况下,它有点棘手,因为我使用此代码获得无限循环:

// Library implementation, File1.swift
import Foundation
extension Date {
  func test(otherDate: Date) -> String {
    return String()

// App reference to the library, different module, File2.swift
import Foundation
import Library
extension Date {
  func test(otherDate: Date) -> String {
    // How to reference "Library" here?
    return test(otherDate: otherDate)


// Works correctly:
import Foundation
import Library
extension Date {
  func prefix_test(otherDate: Date) -> String {
    return test(otherDate: otherDate)

Is there any way in Swift to call an extension method from a particular module, similar to selecting a class

// Selecting a class:
let a = Module1.CustomClass()
let b = Module2.CustomClass()

let date = Date()

// Can I select an extension method?

How is this question different from the "duplicate": 如果是类功能,可以这样做:


In the aforementioned case, such call is impossible, hence the question.