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我是django-haystack的新手 . 根据文档和教程,我能够基于文档内容(DataBase SQLITE)创建搜索应用程序 . 下一步,我已更新我的HTML模板以请求更多信息(例如:模型,所需的数据库链接等)

我不知道如何处理这个问题 . 在我正在使用的文件下面 . 我的知识仍然很基础,所以任何帮助都会非常感激 .

谢谢 .


{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}

    <h2> Doc Search Interface</h2>

    <form method="get" action=".">
            <P>Select Car Model:</P>
            <P><LABEL ACCESSKEY=5><INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="CarModel" VALUE="A5"> A5</LABEL><BR>
            <LABEL ACCESSKEY=8><INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="CarModel" VALUE="A8"> A8</LABEL><BR>
            <LABEL ACCESSKEY=3><INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME="CarModel" VALUE="A3"> A3</LABEL></P> 

            <P>Type and click enter for Search!</P>
                <input type="search" id="id_q" name="q" placeholder="Search" >

        {% if query %}
            <h3>Let´s see if we have got here the document you were looking for...</h3>

            {% for result in page.object_list %}
                    <a href="{{ result.object.get_absolute_url }}">{{ result.object.title }}</a>
            {% empty %}
                <p>No results found.</p>
            {% endfor %}

            {% if page.has_previous or page.has_next %}
                    {% if page.has_previous %}<a href="?q={{ query }}&amp;page={{ page.previous_page_number }}">{% endif %}&laquo; Previous{% if page.has_previous %}</a>{% endif %}
                    {% if page.has_next %}<a href="?q={{ query }}&amp;page={{ page.next_page_number }}">{% endif %}Next &raquo;{% if page.has_next %}</a>{% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
            {# Show some example queries to run, maybe query syntax, something else? #}
        {% endif %}
{% endblock %}


from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.http import HttpResponse

class Document(models.Model):

user_id = models.CharField(max_length=6, default='admin')
pub_date = models.DateTimeField()
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
Link= models.URLField()
content = models.TextField()
CarModel= models.TextField()

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return self.Link
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title


from haystack import indexes
from test3.models import Document

class DocumentIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
    text = indexes.EdgeNgramField(document=True, use_template=True)
    def get_model(self):
        return Document        
    def index_queryset(self, using=None):
        """Used when the entire index for model is updated. Typically to avoid some results showing when admin do not want to""" 
        return self.get_model().objects

在这篇文章之后Using django haystack search with global search bar in template我更新了以下文件


from django.conf.urls import url
from test3.views import MySearchView

# urls.py

urlpatterns =  [url(r'^/search/?$', MySearchView.as_view(), name='My_search_view'),]


from haystack.forms import HighlightedSearchForm
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
from haystack.generic_views import SearchView
from haystack.views import search_view_factory

class MySearchView(SearchView):
    """My custom search view."""
    def search_posts(request):
        post_type = str(request.GET.get('CarModel')).lower()
        print (str(request.GET.get('CarModel')).lower())
        sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(CarModel__contains=post_type)
        clean_query = sqs.query.clean(post_type)
        result = sqs.filter(content=clean_query)
        view = search_view_factory(
        return view(request)

但是,我仍然没有使它工作...搜索结果仍未按“模型”字段过滤 . 我想我必须添加额外的代码,但我不知道在哪里......

1 回答

  • 0

    我会尝试回应这个 . 这就是我的工作方式:


    url(r'^search/$', views.search_notes, name='search_notes'),

    yourapp/views.py 导入您的NotesSearchForm(在下面进一步)并在搜索时调用它:

    from .forms import NotesSearchForm
    def search_notes(request):
       form = NotesSearchForm(request.GET)
       notes = form.search()
       return render_to_response('notes/index.html', {'notes': notes, 'form': form})
       context = { 'latest_notes_list': latest_notes_list}
       return render(request, 'notes/index.html', context)


    from haystack.forms import SearchForm
    class NotesSearchForm(SearchForm):
       # First we add the form fields, in your case BooleanFields.
       sports = forms.BooleanField()
       fiction = forms.BooleanField()
       non_fiction = forms.BooleanField()
       def search(self):
          # Here we store the SearchQuerySet received from other processing.
          sqs = super(NotesSearchForm, self).search()
          if not self.is_valid():
             return self.no_query_found()
          # Then filter your results when the search come back
          if self.cleaned_data['sports']:
             sqs = sqs.filter(genre='sports')
          if self.cleaned_data['fiction']:
             sqs = sqs.filter(genre='fiction')
          if self.cleaned_data['non_fiction']:
             sqs = sqs.filter(genre='non_fiction')
          return sqs   
       def no_query_found(self):
          # This we add to make all results show if nothing is selected or searched for (optional)
          return self.searchqueryset.all()

    请注意,我在这里将'genre'作为模型中命名的字段 . 此字段也需要出现在 search_indexes.py 中,如下所示:

    genre = indexes.CharField(model_attr='genre')

    最后,让我告诉你 yourapp/templates/notes/index.html

    <!-- Form here -->
    {{ form }}
    <!-- Search results here -->
    {% for note in notes %}
       {{ note.object.title }}
       {{ notes.object.body|linebreaks }}">
    {% endfor %}

    希望这对你有用!如果你遇到困难,请告诉我 .
