我下载了PostgreSQL 9.1.18版本,我有windows 32位 . 我正在尝试首次在我的计算机上安装此数据库,所以,当我在最后一步开始安装PostgreSQL 9.1.18时,它会显示错误 .

在安装之前,我在c驱动器中创建了一个名为PostgreSQL的文件夹,然后转到安全选项卡并添加帐户PostgreSQL并完全控制 . 当我安装PostgreSQL 9.1.18时,我选择了这个文件夹,但最后再次出现同样的错误 .


“运行安装后设置时出现问题 . 安装可能无法正确完成 . 数据库集群初始化失败”

并且我也使用cmd并输入命令net user postgres / delete但是当我输入它时显示如下,请检查图像.. image

而且当我谷歌我发现在c:而不是程序文件中安装postgreSQL . 所以当我在c盘中创建文件夹并给予完全管理员权限并在安装过程中运行安装时我选择该文件夹但是当安装完成时,另一个文件夹在程序文件中创建,其名称为PostgreSQL,并且所有子文件夹都安装在该文件夹中


更新:一切看起来都很好,直到 initdb

Executing batch file 'radB6293.bat'...
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "lenovo".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale English, United States.
initdb: could not find suitable text search configuration for locale English, United States
The default text search configuration will be set to "simple".

fixing permissions on existing directory C:/PostgreSQL ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.
The system cannot find the file specified.