我正在尝试使用不同的选项卡更改数据更新相同的图表 . 所以我的父组件具有此表单中的子组件 app-chart-metric-view . 我已经为mat选项卡组添加了选项卡事件检测 .


<mat-tab-group mat-stretch-tabs class="mat-elevation-z4" (selectedTabChange)="tabChanged($event)">
  <mat-tab label="Enable Plugin">
    <div class="button-row">
      <button mat-raised-button class="activation-buttons" (click)="openAddPluginDialog()">Add

  <mat-tab label="Chart1">

  <mat-tab label="Chart2">


我检测到选项卡选项卡更改,一旦触发,我调用子组件中的函数(在@viewChild的帮助下),它向后端发出请求,获取数据并显示它 .

此外,我将选项卡的标签发送到后端,并根据它我收到的数据发生了变化 . 问题是正在加载第一个选项卡的图表,但不适用于后续选项卡 .


import { ChartMetricViewComponent } from '../chart-metric-view/chart-metric-view.component';

    export class AdminConsoleComponent {

      @ViewChild( ChartMetricViewComponent ) child: ChartMetricViewComponent ; 

      constructor(//some components) { }
      ngOnInit() {
      //some functions

      tabChanged = (tabChangeEvent: MatTabChangeEvent): void => {
        if(tabChangeEvent.index !=0) {




export class ChartMetricViewComponent implements OnInit {

  metricItems: MetricItem[] = [];
  constructor(public utility: ControltowerUtilityService, public metricService: MetricDataService, private chartService: ChartDataService) { }

  @ViewChild('chartTarget') chartTarget: ElementRef;
  @ViewChild('chartTarget2') chartTarget2: ElementRef;

  chart: Highcharts.ChartObject;
  chart2: Highcharts.ChartObject

  public shfk(textLabel) {

    this.chartService.getPluginMetrics(textLabel).subscribe(data => {

      this.metricItems = data;

      const options: Highcharts.Options = {
        chart: {
          type: 'column'
        title: {
          text: 'Stacked Consumption chart'
        xAxis: {
          categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
        yAxis: {
          min: 0,
          title: {
            text: 'Bitbucket Consumption in TBs'
          stackLabels: {
            enabled: true,
            style: {
              fontWeight: 'bold',
        legend: {
          align: 'right',
          x: -30,
          verticalAlign: 'top',
          y: 25,
          floating: true,
          borderColor: '#CCC',
          borderWidth: 1,
          shadow: false
        tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<b>{point.x}</b>
', pointFormat: '{series.name}: {point.y}
Total: {point.stackTotal}' }, plotOptions: { column: { stacking: 'normal', dataLabels: { enabled: true, } } }, series: [{ name: this.metricItems[0].name, data: JSON.parse(" [ "+ this.metricItems[0].value+"]")//this.A //JSON.parse("["+this.metricItems[0].value+"]")//[5, 3, 4, 7, 2, 6] {this.A} }, { name: this.metricItems[1].name, data: JSON.parse("["+this.metricItems[1].value+"]") }, { name: this.metricItems[2].name, data: JSON.parse("["+this.metricItems[2].value+"]") }, { name: this.metricItems[3].name, data: JSON.parse("["+this.metricItems[3].value+"]") }, { name: this.metricItems[4].name, data: JSON.parse("["+this.metricItems[4].value+"]") }] }; this.chart = chart(this.chartTarget.nativeElement, options); }); }

On change of tab I have verified that request is being made and I am receiving the correct response but cant update my chart. Can someone please help ? Thanks


highcharts not loading in tabs

HIghcharts & Bootstrap: Chart on Tab 2 is not appearing. Though First chart is working fine