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如何将UTF-8 byte []转换为字符串?


我有一个 byte[] 数组,从我碰巧知道的文件UTF-8加载 . 在一些调试代码中,我需要将其转换为字符串 . 有没有一个班轮可以做到这一点?

在封面下它应该只是一个分配和一个memcopy,所以即使它没有实现,它应该是可能的 .

13 回答

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    用于将从文件读取的字节数组 byteArrFilename 转换为纯粹的ascii C样式的零终止字符串的Linq one-liner将是这样的:用于读取旧存档格式的文件索引表之类的内容 .

    String filename = new String(byteArrFilename.TakeWhile(x => x != 0)
                                  .Select(x => x < 128 ? (Char)x : '?').ToArray());

    我使用 '?' 作为默认字符,用于此处不纯的ascii,但当然可以更改 . 如果你想确定你可以检测它,只需使用 '\0' ,因为启动时 TakeWhile 确保以这种方式构建的字符串不可能包含来自输入源的 '\0' 值 .

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    static string BytesToStringConverted(byte[] bytes)
        using (var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes))
            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
                return streamReader.ReadToEnd();
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    据我所知,没有给出的答案保证使用空终止的正确行为 . 在有人向我展示不同之前,我使用以下方法编写了自己的静态类来处理它:

    // Mimics the functionality of strlen() in c/c++
    // Needed because niether StringBuilder or Encoding.*.GetString() handle \0 well
    static int StringLength(byte[] buffer, int startIndex = 0)
        int strlen = 0;
            (startIndex + strlen + 1) < buffer.Length // Make sure incrementing won't break any bounds
            && buffer[startIndex + strlen] != 0       // The typical null terimation check
        return strlen;
    // This is messy, but I haven't found a built-in way in c# that guarentees null termination
    public static string ParseBytes(byte[] buffer, out int strlen, int startIndex = 0)
        strlen = StringLength(buffer, startIndex);
        byte[] c_str = new byte[strlen];
        Array.Copy(buffer, startIndex, c_str, 0, strlen);
        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(c_str);

    startIndex 的原因是在我正在研究的示例中,我需要将 byte[] 解析为空终止字符串数组 . 在简单的情况下可以安全地忽略它

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    string result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
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    使用 (byte)b.ToString("x2") ,输出 b4b5dfe475e58b67

    public static class Ext {
        public static string ToHexString(this byte[] hex)
            if (hex == null) return null;
            if (hex.Length == 0) return string.Empty;
            var s = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (byte b in hex) {
            return s.ToString();
        public static byte[] ToHexBytes(this string hex)
            if (hex == null) return null;
            if (hex.Length == 0) return new byte[0];
            int l = hex.Length / 2;
            var b = new byte[l];
            for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
                b[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
            return b;
        public static bool EqualsTo(this byte[] bytes, byte[] bytesToCompare)
            if (bytes == null && bytesToCompare == null) return true; // ?
            if (bytes == null || bytesToCompare == null) return false;
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(bytes, bytesToCompare)) return true;
            if (bytes.Length != bytesToCompare.Length) return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; ++i) {
                if (bytes[i] != bytesToCompare[i]) return false;
            return true;
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    string myresult = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
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    hier是你不必费心编码的结果 . 我在我的网络类中使用它并将二进制对象作为字符串发送 .

    public static byte[] String2ByteArray(string str)
                char[] chars = str.ToArray();
                byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.Length * 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(chars[i]), 0, bytes, i * 2, 2);
                return bytes;
            public static string ByteArray2String(byte[] bytes)
                char[] chars = new char[bytes.Length / 2];
                for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
                    chars[i] = BitConverter.ToChar(bytes, i * 2);
                return new string(chars);
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    这种转换至少有四种不同的方式 .

    • Encoding's GetString
      ,但如果这些字节具有非ASCII字符,您将无法获得原始字节 .

    • BitConverter.ToString
      输出是一个"-"分隔的字符串,但是没有.NET内置方法将字符串转换回字节数组 .

    • Convert.ToBase64String
      您可以使用 Convert.FromBase64String 轻松地将输出字符串转换回字节数组 .
      注意:输出字符串可以包含'+','/'和'=' . 如果要在URL中使用该字符串,则需要对其进行显式编码 .

    • HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode
      您可以使用 HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode 轻松地将输出字符串转换回字节数组 . 输出字符串已经是URL友好的!缺点是如果您的项目不是Web项目,它需要 System.Web 汇编 .


    byte[] bytes = { 130, 200, 234, 23 }; // A byte array contains non-ASCII (or non-readable) characters
    string s1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); // ���
    byte[] decBytes1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s1);  // decBytes1.Length == 10 !!
    // decBytes1 not same as bytes
    // Using UTF-8 or other Encoding object will get similar results
    string s2 = BitConverter.ToString(bytes);   // 82-C8-EA-17
    String[] tempAry = s2.Split('-');
    byte[] decBytes2 = new byte[tempAry.Length];
    for (int i = 0; i < tempAry.Length; i++)
        decBytes2[i] = Convert.ToByte(tempAry[i], 16);
    // decBytes2 same as bytes
    string s3 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);  // gsjqFw==
    byte[] decByte3 = Convert.FromBase64String(s3);
    // decByte3 same as bytes
    string s4 = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenEncode(bytes);    // gsjqFw2
    byte[] decBytes4 = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode(s4);
    // decBytes4 same as bytes
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    public static string ConvertByteToString(this byte[] source)
        return source != null ? System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(source) : null;


    string result = input.ConvertByteToString();
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    BitConverter 类可用于将 byte[] 转换为 string .

    var convertedString = BitConverter.ToString(byteAttay);

    BitConverter 类的文档可以在MSDN上获取

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    byte[] 转换为 string 似乎很简单,但任何类型的编码都可能会使输出字符串变得混乱 . 这个小功能正常工作,没有任何意外的结果:

    private string ToString(byte[] bytes)
        string response = string.Empty;
        foreach (byte b in bytes)
            response += (Char)b;
        return response;
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    var byteStr = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
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    ByteConverter = new UnicodeEncoding();
    string stringDataForEncoding = "My Secret Data!";
    byte[] dataEncoded = ByteConverter.GetBytes(stringDataForEncoding);
    Console.WriteLine("Data after decoding: {0}", ByteConverter.GetString(dataEncoded));
