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我是VBA的新手,并尝试通过数组UDF将数组写入excel范围 .

我试图将数组输出到公式所在的最大行数 . 我正在使用Microsoft Scripting Library作为字典,如果这很重要 . 使用excel中的数组公式(CTRL Shift Enter),如何将数组的大小调整为放置公式的范围,然后将数组放入单元格中?我希望细胞上的公式为= test(“G1:J20”),公式将放在单元格A1:B20中 .

代码:功能测试(ByVal inputRange As Range)As Variant Dim Cell As Variant Dim D As Dictionary Dim Arr()As Variant Dim i As Long Set D = New Dictionary

' Remove duplicates
For Each Cell In inputRange
    If D.Exists(CStr(Cell.Value)) = False Then
        D.Add CStr(Cell.Value), 1
        D.Exists (Cell.Value)
        D.Item(Cell.Value) = D.Item(Cell.Value) + 1
   End If
D.Remove vbNullString

Redim Arr(0 To Application.Max(D.Count, Application.Caller.Cells.Count))

'Fill the array with the keys from the Dictionary
For i = 0 To D.Count - 1
    Arr(i) = D.Keys(i)
Next i

test = Application.Transpose(Arr)
End Function

2 回答

  • 0

    要读取和写入数组到单元格,您需要一个2D数组 . 例如:

    Dim data() as Variant, N as Integer, M as Integer
    ' Say you want a 100×50 array
    N = 100 : M = 50
    ReDim data(1 to N, 1 to M)
    ' Fill data()
    Range("A1").Resize(N,M).Value = data


    Dim data() as Variant, N as Integer, M as Integer, i as Integer, j as Integer
    data = Range("A1:AX100").Value
    N = UBOUND(data,1) : M = UBOUND(data,2)
    For i = 1 to N
        For j = 1 to M
        Next j
    Next i
  • 1


    Sub test()
        Dim v(0 To 2, 0 To 2) As Variant
        Dim r As Range
        'fill the array with values
        populate v
        'range must be same dimensions as array, in this case 3x3
        Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C3")
        'this simply puts array into range values
        r.Value2 = v
    End Sub
    Function populate(v As Variant)
        For i = 0 To 2
            For j = 0 To 2
                v(j, i) = i * j * j - i + 2
            Next j
        Next i
    End Function


    Sub test()
        Dim dict As Dictionary
        Set dict = New Dictionary
        'fill dictionary with values
        populate dict
        'loop through dictionary, and add items to worksheet
        For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1
            ActiveSheet.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = dict.Keys(i)
            ActiveSheet.Cells(2, i + 1).Value = dict.Items(i)
        Next i
    End Sub
    Function populate(dict As Dictionary)
        dict.Add "help", "me"
        dict.Add "I'm", "lost"
        dict.Add "everything", "1"
        dict.Add "or", "0"
    End Function
