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VBA PowerPoint幻灯片 Headers


我正在开发一个自定义工具,为给定的演示文稿生成自定义的讲师笔记 . 我有一个问题,我正在处理一个幻灯片基本上没有Title对象的演示文稿然后我运行代码它是双向传递我的if语句 .

我已经将代码简化为基础,以使其尽可能简单 .

我的测试课有一个正常的幻灯片,文本占位符填写,下一张幻灯片是没有 Headers 文本框的徽标幻灯片,只有版权信息和徽标,(这是有问题的幻灯片)然后另一张幻灯片 Headers 占位符存在,但留空 .

如何检查单个幻灯片以确保 Headers 占位符存在?

Public Sub GetTitle()
    Dim pres As Presentation    'PowerPoint presentation
    Dim sld As Slide            'Individual slide
    Dim shp As Shape            'EIAG Text Shape
    Dim ShpType As String       'Shape Type
    Dim SldTitle As String      'Slide TITLE

    'Go through each slide object
    Set pres = ActivePresentation
    For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides.Range
    On Error Resume Next
        If sld.Shapes(1).PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderCenterTitle Or sld.Shapes(1).PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderTitle Then
            If sld.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange <> "" Then
                SldTitle = sld.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange
                Debug.Print SldTitle & " - Slide: " & CStr(sld.SlideNumber)
                Debug.Print "BLANK TITLE - Slide: " & CStr(sld.SlideNumber)
            End If
            ShpType = sld.Shapes.Item(1).Type
            Debug.Print ShpType & "Not Processed There is no Title object"
        End If
    Next sld
End Sub

1 回答

  • 1

    您可以使用Shapes Collection的HastTitle方法来检查幻灯片是否具有 Headers 占位符:

    If sld.Shapes.HasTitle then

    您也不应该依赖 Headers 占位符为形状1而是循环遍历幻灯片上的所有形状,按如下方式检查每个形状:

    Option Explicit
    ' Function to return an array of title texts from a presentation
    ' Written by Jamie Garroch at http://youpresent.co.uk
    ' Inputs : None
    ' Outputs : Array of title strings
    Function GetTitlesArr() As Variant
      Dim oSld As Slide
      Dim oShp As Shape
      Dim iCounter As Integer
      Dim arrTitles() As String
      For Each oSld In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes
          With oShp
            If .Type = msoPlaceholder Then
              Select Case .PlaceholderFormat.Type
                Case ppPlaceholderCenterTitle, ppPlaceholderTitle
                  ReDim Preserve arrTitles(iCounter)
                  arrTitles(iCounter) = oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
                  iCounter = iCounter + 1
              End Select
            End If
          End With
      GetTitlesArr = arrTitles
    End Function
