我想在页眉和页脚, Headers 固定顶部,页脚固定按钮,图像和导航栏的网页中制作一个居中调整大小的图像导航栏,一起应该可以调整大小,(图像可以收缩,但绝不会绕过原始大小 .

the image is done, behaving as wanted!

我遇到的问题,我 couldn't make the navigation bar stick in the bottom of the image as it's resized!


<div class="popup">

    <img class="image" src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-h2cD5VqGNGk/U1t6QX7kY5I/AAAAAAAAFvc/46BsvAWjmSw/w640-h360-no/IMG_2061+SCR.jpg" />
    <span class="content">

        <span class="navbar">Navigation Bar</span>


我希望弹出内容粘在一起,图像动态宽度 . image still could shrink as it is! fix only the navbar to follow the image and stick to it.
