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groovy grails构建测试数据(buildtestdata插件)如何创建多对多


使用Grails 2.2.4 . 和构建测试数据:2.0.5 . 我没有使用conf - Bootstrap.groovy在数据库中添加多对多实例 . 使用MySQL作为数据库 .


class Reseller {
String resellerName
static hasMany = [addresses: Address]


class Address {
String address1 
static hasMany = [resellers: Reseller]
static belongsTo = [Reseller]



(下面是一个简单的ER图,因为我无法从MySQL Workbench Diagram发布图像)

经销商==> 1到多个==> reseller_address <==多个到1 <==地址

CREATE TABLE IF NOT NOT EXISTS addressid bigint(20)NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, version bigint(20)NOT NULL, address1 varchar(255)NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY( id ))ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT NOT EXISTS resellerid bigint(20)NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, version bigint(20)NOT NULL, reseller_name varchar(255)NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY( id ))ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT = 2;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT NOT EXISTS reseller_addressesaddress_id bigint(20)NOT NULL, reseller_id bigint(20)NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY( reseller_idaddress_id ),KEY FK3F39FB15CB44906Freseller_id ),KEY FK3F39FB1541937EA5address_id ))ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 ;

ALTER TABLE reseller_addresses ADD CONSTRAINT FK3F39FB1541937EA5 FOREIGN KEY( address_id )REFERENCES addressid ),ADD CONSTRAINT FK3F39FB15CB44906F FOREIGN KEY( reseller_id )REFERENCES resellerid );


import grails.buildtestdata.mixin.Build
import manytomany.*

class BootStrap {

    def init = { servletContext ->
        Address ad1 = Address.build()
        Reseller rs1 = Reseller.build()

        //comment out next line to run and see tables being built.
        rs1.addToAddresses(address: ad1) //does not work.  see error below                      
    def destroy = {

以上结果导致以下错误 . 它还导致MySQL中的DB表中的零表 . 我可以看到它们被创建,然后它们会在下面的错误中消失 .

| Running Grails application
Hibernate: insert into address (version, address1) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into reseller (version, reseller_name) values (?, ?)
| Error 2013-11-13 17:37:01,543 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR hibernate.AssertionFailure  - an assertion failure occured (this may indicate a bug in Hibernate, but is more likely due to unsafe use of the session)
Message: null id in manytomany.Address entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
    Line | Method
->>  334 | innerRun  in java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
|    166 | run       in java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
|   1145 | runWorker in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
|    615 | run       in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
^    724 | run . . . in java.lang.Thread
| Error 2013-11-13 17:37:01,628 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR context.GrailsContextLoader  - Error initializing the application: null id in manytomany.Address entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
Message: null id in manytomany.Address entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
    Line | Method
->>  334 | innerRun  in java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
|    166 | run       in java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
|   1145 | runWorker in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
|    615 | run       in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
^    724 | run . . . in java.lang.Thread

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