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Google Apps脚本:如何根据公式复制粘贴范围?


我在Google表格中有一个模型,每天设置一列 . 它包含实际值和预测,每天我需要推进公式以用实际值替换预测 . 我不能向前滚动整列,只有它的一部分(上面和下面的参考数字不应该改变) .

我每天都试着写一个脚本为我做这个,但我不知道如何让 getRange 引用动态范围 . 这是我的尝试:

function rollColumn() {
  var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById('<ID redacted>');

INDEX 公式可以在它们引用相关范围的情况下工作(我已在电子表格中对它们进行了测试) . 但显然 getRange 不允许使用公式创建命名范围(这就是我在Excel中解决这个问题的方法) .


这是我能够使其工作的最接近的现有问题:Google Apps Script performing Index & Match function between two separate Google Sheets


2 回答

  • 0

    您应该在代码中添加{contentsOnly:false}参数 . 这样的事情:

    TemplateSheet.getRange("S2:T2").copyTo(DestSheet.getRange("S2:T"+LRow2+""), {contentsOnly:false});
  • 0

    从列的 Headers 获取日期,然后将公式粘贴到右侧的行:

    // note: we assume that sheet is disposed as in the following document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BU2rhAZGOLYgzgSAdEz4fJkxEcPRpwl_TZ1SR5F0y08/edit?ts=5a32fcc5#gid=0
    function find_3formulas() {
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(),
          leftTitle, // this variable will stay unused because we do not need a vertical index
          topTitle = todayMinus_xDays(2),
          topTitlesRange = sheet.getRange("G3:T3"),
          leftTitlesRange = sheet.getRange("A4:A8"); // this range will stay unused.
      var coor = findCoordinates(leftTitlesRange, leftTitle, topTitlesRange, topTitle);
      if (coor.row == null || coor.column == null) {
        sheet.getRange("M12:M14").setFormula('="NULL: please check logs"'); 
      var rowAxis = 4 + coor.row;
      var colAxis = 8 + coor.column;
      var fromRange = sheet.getRange(rowAxis, colAxis, 3, 1);
      var toRange = sheet.getRange(rowAxis, colAxis + 1, 3, 1);
      var threeFormulas = fromRange.getFormulas();
    // unused in current script!
    function findCoordinates(leftTitlesRange, leftTitle, topTitlesRange, topTitle) {
      var formattedDate, 
          row = 0, 
          column = 0;
      if (leftTitle) {
        row = findRow(leftTitlesRange, leftTitle);
      if (topTitle) {
        column = findColumn(topTitlesRange, topTitle);
      var array = {row:row, column:column}
      return array;
    // unused in current script!
    function findRow(range, valueToSearch) {
      var colRows = range.getValues();
      for (i = 0; i < colRows.length; i++) {
        if (valueToSearch == colRows[i][0]) {return i;}
      // however, if found nothing: 
      Logger.log("the value " + valueToSearch + " could not be found in row titles");
      return null;
    // assumes that column titles are dates, therefore of type object.
    function findColumn(range, valueToSearch) {
      var colTitles = range.getValues();
      for (i = 0; i < colTitles[0].length; i++) { 
        if (typeof colTitles[0][i] == "object") {
          formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(colTitles[0][i], "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd")
        if (valueToSearch === formattedDate) {return i;}
      // however, if found nothing:
      Logger.log("today's date, " + valueToSearch + ", could not be found in column titles");
      return null;
    // substracts 2 days from today, then returns the result in string format.
    function todayMinus_xDays(x) {
      var d = new Date();
      d = new Date(d - x * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
      d = Utilities.formatDate(d, "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd");
      return d;
