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Yes, it's a long question with a lot of detail... 所以,我的问题是:如何将段上传流式传输到Vimeo?

For anyone wanting to copy and debug on their own machine: 以下是您需要的东西:

  • 我的密码here .

  • 包含找到的Scribe库here

  • 拥有一个至少大于10 MB的有效视频文件(mp4)并将其放在目录 C:\test.mp4 中,或将该代码更改为指向您所在的位置 .

  • 就是这样!谢谢你的协助!

Big update: 我在代码here中为Vimeo留下了一个有用的API Key和Secret . 因此,只要您拥有一个Vimeo帐户,一旦您给予我工作代码的任何人奖励,所有代码都可以正常工作 . 谢谢!哦,并且't expect to use this Key and Secret for long. Once this problem'已经解决了我将删除它 . :)

Overview of the problem: 问题是当我将最后一块字节发送到Vimeo然后验证上传时,响应返回所有内容的长度只是最后一个块的长度,而不是所有块的组合应该是 .

SSCCE Note: 我有我的整个SSCCE here . 我把它放在其他地方所以它可以 C 可以 . 它不是 S hort(大约300行),但希望你发现它是 S 精灵包含的,它肯定是 E xample!) . 但是,我在这篇文章中发布了我的代码的相关部分 .

This is how it works: 当您通过流式传输方法将视频上传到Vimeo时(请参阅上传API文档here以进行设置以实现此目的),您必须提供一些 Headers : endpoints ,内容长度和内容类型 . 文档说它忽略了任何其他 Headers . 您还要为其上传的文件提供字节信息的有效负载 . 然后签名并发送它(我有一个方法,将使用scribe这样做) .

My problem: 当我在一个请求中发送视频时,一切都很有效 . 我的问题是在我使用't have enough memory to load all of that byte information and put it in the HTTP PUT request, so I have to split it up into 1 MB segments. This is where things get tricky. The documentation mentions that it'可能"resume"上传的情况下,所以我'm trying to do that with my code, but it'不能正常工作 . 下面,您将看到发送视频的代码 . Remember 我的SSCCE是here .

Things I've tried: 我'm thinking it has something to do with the Content-Range header... So here are the things I'试图改变Content-Range Headers 所说的内容......

  • 不将内容范围 Headers 添加到第一个块

  • 为内容范围 Headers 添加前缀(每个 Headers 都包含前一个 Headers 的组合):

  • "bytes"

  • "bytes "(抛出连接错误,请看错误的最底部) - >它出现在documentation这是他们're looking for, but I'非常确定文档中存在拼写错误,因为他们的"resume"示例中有内容范围 Headers as: 1001-339108/339108 什么时候应该 1001-339107/339108 . 是的...

  • "bytes%20"

  • "bytes:"

  • "bytes: "

  • "bytes="

  • "bytes= "

  • 不在内容范围 Headers 中添加任何内容作为前缀


* Send the video data
* @return whether the video successfully sent
private static boolean sendVideo(String endpoint, File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
  // Setup File
  long contentLength = file.length();
  String contentLengthString = Long.toString(contentLength);
  FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
  int bufferSize = 10485760; // 10 MB = 10485760 bytes
  byte[] bytesPortion = new byte[bufferSize];
  int byteNumber = 0;
  int maxAttempts = 1;
  while (is.read(bytesPortion, 0, bufferSize) != -1) {
    String contentRange = Integer.toString(byteNumber);
    long bytesLeft = contentLength - byteNumber;
    System.out.println(newline + newline + "Bytes Left: " + bytesLeft);
    if (bytesLeft < bufferSize) {
      //copy the bytesPortion array into a smaller array containing only the remaining bytes
      bytesPortion = Arrays.copyOf(bytesPortion, (int) bytesLeft);
      //This just makes it so it doesn't throw an IndexOutOfBounds exception on the next while iteration. It shouldn't get past another iteration
      bufferSize = (int) bytesLeft;
    byteNumber += bytesPortion.length;
    contentRange += "-" + (byteNumber - 1) + "/" + contentLengthString;
    int attempts = 0;
    boolean success = false;
    while (attempts < maxAttempts && !success) {
      int bytesOnServer = sendVideoBytes("Test video", endpoint, contentLengthString, "video/mp4", contentRange, bytesPortion, first);
      if (bytesOnServer == byteNumber) {
        success = true;
      } else {
        System.out.println(bytesOnServer + " != " + byteNumber);
        System.out.println("Success is not true!");
    first = true;
    if (!success) {
      return false;
  return true;

* Sends the given bytes to the given endpoint
* @return the last byte on the server (from verifyUpload(endpoint))
private static int sendVideoBytes(String videoTitle, String endpoint, String contentLength, String fileType, String contentRange, byte[] fileBytes, boolean addContentRange) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
  OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.PUT, endpoint);
  request.addHeader("Content-Length", contentLength);
  request.addHeader("Content-Type", fileType);
  if (addContentRange) {
    request.addHeader("Content-Range", contentRangeHeaderPrefix + contentRange);
  Response response = signAndSendToVimeo(request, "sendVideo on " + videoTitle, false);
  if (response.getCode() != 200 && !response.isSuccessful()) {
    return -1;
  return verifyUpload(endpoint);

* Verifies the upload and returns whether it's successful
* @param endpoint to verify upload to
* @return the last byte on the server
public static int verifyUpload(String endpoint) {
  // Verify the upload
  OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.PUT, endpoint);
  request.addHeader("Content-Length", "0");
  request.addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes */*");
  Response response = signAndSendToVimeo(request, "verifyUpload to " + endpoint, true);
  if (response.getCode() != 308 || !response.isSuccessful()) {
    return -1;
  String range = response.getHeader("Range");
  //range = "bytes=0-10485759"
  return Integer.parseInt(range.substring(range.lastIndexOf("-") + 1)) + 1;
  //The + 1 at the end is because Vimeo gives you 0-whatever byte where 0 = the first byte


* Signs the request and sends it. Returns the response.
* @param service
* @param accessToken
* @param request
* @return response
public static Response signAndSendToVimeo(OAuthRequest request, String description, boolean printBody) throws org.scribe.exceptions.OAuthException {
  System.out.println(newline + newline
          + "Signing " + description + " request:"
          + ((printBody && !request.getBodyContents().isEmpty()) ? newline + "\tBody Contents:" + request.getBodyContents() : "")
          + ((!request.getHeaders().isEmpty()) ? newline + "\tHeaders: " + request.getHeaders() : ""));
  service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
  printRequest(request, description);
  Response response = request.send();
  printResponse(response, description, printBody);
  return response;

这是来自printRequest和printResponse方法的输出的 some (一个示例......所有输出都可以找到here): NOTE 此输出根据 contentRangeHeaderPrefix 设置为什么而 first 布尔值设置为更改(指定)是否在第一个块上包含Content-Range标头) .

We're sending the video for upload!

Bytes Left: 15125120

Signing sendVideo on Test video request:
    Headers: {Content-Length=15125120, Content-Type=video/mp4, Content-Range=bytes%200-10485759/15125120}

sendVideo on Test video >>> Request
Headers: {Authorization=OAuth oauth_signature="zUdkaaoJyvz%2Bt6zoMvAFvX0DRkc%3D", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_nonce="340477132", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="5cb447d1fc4c3308e2c6531e45bcadf1", oauth_token="460633205c55d3f1806bcab04174ae09", oauth_timestamp="1334336004", Content-Length=15125120, Content-Type=video/mp4, Content-Range=bytes: 0-10485759/15125120}
Verb: PUT
Complete URL:

sendVideo on Test video >>> Response
Code: 200
Headers: {null=HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Content-Length=0, Connection=close, Content-Type=text/plain, Server=Vimeo/1.0}

Signing verifyUpload to request:
    Headers: {Content-Length=0, Content-Range=bytes */*}

verifyUpload to >>> Request
Headers: {Authorization=OAuth oauth_signature="FQg8HJe84nrUTdyvMJGM37dpNpI%3D", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_nonce="298157825", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="5cb447d1fc4c3308e2c6531e45bcadf1", oauth_token="460633205c55d3f1806bcab04174ae09", oauth_timestamp="1334336015", Content-Length=0, Content-Range=bytes */*}
Verb: PUT
Complete URL:

verifyUpload to >>> Response
Code: 308
Headers: {null=HTTP/1.1 308 Resume Incomplete, Range=bytes=0-10485759, Content-Length=0, Connection=close, Content-Type=text/plain, Server=Vimeo/1.0}

Bytes Left: 4639360

Signing sendVideo on Test video request:
    Headers: {Content-Length=15125120, Content-Type=video/mp4, Content-Range=bytes: 10485760-15125119/15125120}

sendVideo on Test video >>> Request
Headers: {Authorization=OAuth oauth_signature="qspQBu42HVhQ7sDpzKGeu3%2Bn8tM%3D", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_nonce="183131870", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="5cb447d1fc4c3308e2c6531e45bcadf1", oauth_token="460633205c55d3f1806bcab04174ae09", oauth_timestamp="1334336015", Content-Length=15125120, Content-Type=video/mp4, Content-Range=bytes%2010485760-15125119/15125120}
Verb: PUT
Complete URL:

sendVideo on Test video >>> Response
Code: 200
Headers: {null=HTTP/1.1 200 OK, Content-Length=0, Connection=close, Content-Type=text/plain, Server=Vimeo/1.0}

Signing verifyUpload to request:
    Headers: {Content-Length=0, Content-Range=bytes */*}

verifyUpload to >>> Request
Headers: {Authorization=OAuth oauth_signature="IdhhhBryzCa5eYqSPKAQfnVFpIg%3D", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_nonce="442087608", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="5cb447d1fc4c3308e2c6531e45bcadf1", oauth_token="460633205c55d3f1806bcab04174ae09", oauth_timestamp="1334336020", Content-Length=0, Content-Range=bytes */*}
Verb: PUT
Complete URL:

4639359 != 15125120
verifyUpload to >>> Response
Success is not true!
Code: 308
Headers: {null=HTTP/1.1 308 Resume Incomplete, Range=bytes=0-4639359, Content-Length=0, Connection=close, Content-Type=text/plain, Server=Vimeo/1.0}

然后代码继续完成上传和设置视频信息(您可以在my full code中看到) .

Edit 2: 尝试从内容范围中删除"%20"并收到此错误进行连接 . 我必须使用"bytes%20"或者根本不添加"bytes" ...

Exception in thread "main" org.scribe.exceptions.OAuthException: Problems while creating connection.
    at org.scribe.model.Request.send(Request.java:70)
    at org.scribe.model.OAuthRequest.send(OAuthRequest.java:12)
    at autouploadermodel.VimeoTest.signAndSendToVimeo(VimeoTest.java:282)
    at autouploadermodel.VimeoTest.sendVideoBytes(VimeoTest.java:130)
    at autouploadermodel.VimeoTest.sendVideo(VimeoTest.java:105)
    at autouploadermodel.VimeoTest.main(VimeoTest.java:62)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Error writing to server
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.writeRequests(HttpURLConnection.java:622)
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.writeRequests(HttpURLConnection.java:634)
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1317)
    at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.java:468)
    at org.scribe.model.Response.<init>(Response.java:28)
    at org.scribe.model.Request.doSend(Request.java:110)
    at org.scribe.model.Request.send(Request.java:62)
    ... 5 more
Java Result: 1

Edit 1: 更新了代码和输出 . 还是需要帮助!

3 回答

  • 2


    request.addHeader("Content-Range", "bytes%20" + contentRange);

    只需 "bytes " 尝试并替换 "bytes%20"


    Headers: {
        Content-Range=bytes%200-10485759/15125120     <-- INCORRECT

    关于 Content-Range 的主题...

    你是对的,一个示例的最终内容块应该有一个像 14680064-15125119/15125120 的范围 . 这是HTTP 1.1规范的一部分 .

  • 6


    String contentRange = Integer.toString(byteNumber + 1);

    从第一次迭代开始,而不是从0开始 .


    request.addHeader("Content-Length", contentLength);

    你把整个文件的内容长度而不是当前块的长度 .

  • 0

    vimeo API页面说:“最后一步是调用vimeo.videos.upload.complete来排队视频以进行转码 . 此调用将返回video_id,然后您可以在其他调用中使用(设置 Headers ,说明) ,隐私等 . 如果你不打电话给这种方法,视频将不会被处理 . “


    request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.PUT, "http://vimeo.com/api/rest/v2");
        request.addQuerystringParameter("method", "vimeo.videos.upload.complete");
        request.addQuerystringParameter("filename", video.getName());
        request.addQuerystringParameter("ticket_id", ticket);
        service.signRequest(token, request);        
        response = request.send();
