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JavaScript到Java applet - 工作



我对Java很新 . 我想创建一个Java Applet,它允许我的JavaScript将命令行传递给Java Applet . 这只会在我的开发机器上运行 - 无需提醒我安全问题是什么 . 用例是我的ExtJS应用程序有一个introspector,允许我显示类 . 我希望能够单击一个类,将相关的路径名传递给Applet,并在Eclipse中打开该文件进行编辑 .

经过多次失败的测试后,这就是我发现的作品 . 感谢Andrew Thompson以及下面提到的其他人 .

似乎有两条路径,我设法让它们都工作 . 我把它们都包括在这里 . 路径1是执行带参数的程序(例如 D:/Eclipse/eclipse.exe --launcher.openFile C:/sites/test.js ),路径2是设置Win7以在打开* .js文件时打开Eclipse(即将* .js与Eclipse关联) .

安全免责声明:请记住,路径1在公共服务器上是完全不安全的 - 通过JavaScript传递格式或删除命令或任何其他恶作剧相对容易!

对于像我这样的Java新手,我将尽可能明确地了解这些步骤 .

执行程序的类 . 谢谢你:https://stackoverflow.com/users/80389/corgrath

package systemcmd;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.io.*;

public class Runcmd extends Applet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public void init() {
        // It seems that even though this command is not executed when the
        // applet is run via JS we still need to refer to the exec command here,
        // I presume so it is linked? If I comment these out altogether, the
        // applet doesnt work. Either of the following will suffice.
        // FYI. Just betraying my Java newbie status! :-)

        //exec("notepad c:/sites/test.txt");
        // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068271/signed-applet-gives-accesscontrolexception-access-denied-when-calling-from-jav
        // Thank you !!!
    public void exec(String command) {

        try {
            // launch EXE and grab stdin/stdout and stderr
            Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(getParameter("command"));

            //      OutputStream stdin = process.getOutputStream();
            InputStream stderr = process.getErrorStream();
            InputStream stdout = process.getInputStream();

            // clean up if any output in stdout
            String line = "";
            BufferedReader brCleanUp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdout));
            while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine()) != null) {
                //System.out.println ("[Stdout] " + line);

            // clean up if any output in stderr
            brCleanUp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stderr));
            while ((line = brCleanUp.readLine()) != null) {
                //System.out.println ("[Stderr] " + line);

        } catch (Exception exception) {




package systemcmd;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Desktop;
import java.io.*;

public class Launchapp extends Applet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public void init() {
        // It seems that even though this command is not executed when the
        // applet is run via JS we still need to refer to the exec command here,
        // I presume so it is linked? If I comment these out altogether, the
        // applet doesnt work. Either of the following will suffice.
        // FYI. Just betraying my Java newbie status! :-)

        //launch("notepad c:/sites/test.txt");
        // From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068271/signed-applet-gives-accesscontrolexception-access-denied-when-calling-from-jav
        // Thank you !!!
    public void launch(String command) {

        try {

            Desktop.getDesktop().open(new File(getParameter("command")));

        } catch (Exception exception) {



使用Eclipse,我将这两个类导出到一个名为runcombo.jar的jar文件中,该文件位于与以下HTML文件相同的文件夹中 . 然后,我自己签署了安全问题所必需的 jar . 我发现本教程对该过程很有帮助 . http://www.jade-cheng.com/uh/ta/signed-applet-tutorial/ .


<script type="text/javascript">

    function exec( command ) {                                                                                                  
            var applet = "<object type='application/x-java-applet' height='100' width='100' name='jsApplet'><param name='code' value='systemcmd.Runcmd'/><param name='archive' value='runcombo.jar' /><param name='mayscript' value='true'/><param name='command' value='" + command + "'/>Applet failed to run.  No Java plug-in was found.</object>";

            var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
            var div = document.createElement("div");
            div.innerHTML = applet;

    function launch( command ) {                                                                                                    
            var applet = "<object type='application/x-java-applet' height='100' width='100' name='jsApplet'><param name='code' value='systemcmd.Launchapp'/><param name='archive' value='runcombo.jar' /><param name='mayscript' value='true'/><param name='command' value='" + command + "'/>Applet failed to run.  No Java plug-in was found.</object>";

            var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
            var div = document.createElement("div");
            div.innerHTML = applet;

             <a href="#" onclick="exec('notepad c:/sites/test.txt');">Exec Notepad</a>
        <br> <a href="#" onclick="exec('calc');">Exec Calculator</a>
        <br> <a href="#" onclick="exec('D:/Eclipse/eclipse.exe  --launcher.openFile C:/sites/test.js');">Exec Eclipse with command line parms</a>
        <br> <a href="#" onclick="launch('C:/sites/test2.txt');">Launch Notepad via *.txt association</a>
        <br> <a href="#" onclick="launch('C:/sites/test2.js');">Launch Eclipse via *.js association</a>

请注意,在调用JS函数时,applet会添加到DOM中 . 这是使用Java安全性的一部分,避免了上述阻止applet运行的安全问题 . 另请注意,有两个JS函数调用来匹配不同的类 .

再次感谢帮助我实现这一目标的所有人 . 现在我可以回到最初的目的 - 完成我的Ext Introspector!


1 回答

  • 0

    你不需要每次都创建一个新的applet实例,使用applet的mayscript标签,你可以告诉浏览器允许java脚本进行applet通信 .


        <script type="text/javascript">
        //whatToDo can be from an input box
        //in applet check if its del or rmdir or move or delete at a minimum
            function callJavaCmd (whatToDo) {
                    // call the MessageBox method of the applet
                var applet = document.getElementById ("myApplet");
                applet.command (whatToDo);
        <applet id="myApplet" code="Your.class" codebase="/base/"
                mayscript="mayscript" style="width:300px; height:50px;">

    Ref http://help.dottoro.com/lhbkaqko.phphttp://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/plugin/developer_guide/java_js.html旧的netscape类是每个JVM(netscape.javascript)的一部分 .
