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在Matlab中,我正在寻找一种以更优雅的方式解决以下问题的方法:在一个三维数组中,在一个维度上(即在我的情况下是时间),从所有值的某个索引等于零,例如,以下示例数组a为0表示第二维的索引为3(即 a(:,3:end,: == 0) ):

a(:,:,1) =

 1     1     0
 1     0     0
 1     0     0

a(:,:,2) =

 1     1     0
 1     0     0
 1     1     0

a(:,:,3) =

 1     1     0
 1     1     0
 1     1     0



o(:,:,1) =

     1     1
     1     0
     1     0

o(:,:,2) =

     1     1
     1     0
     1     1

o(:,:,3) =

     1     1
     1     1
     1     1

现在我当然可以检查维度2中的每个索引,到处都是零,这就是我现在正在做的事情,但我觉得有一些更好的方法可以在matlab中解决这个问题,更优雅一些方式(甚至可能是任何多维数组) . 谢谢你的帮助!

1 回答

  • 1
    function req = removeColwithSpecVal(a,spec_val)
      req=num2cell(a,[1 2]);     %Converting to cell keeping the order of rows & columns same  
      req=vertcat(req{:});       %Stacking multidimensional slices vertically
      ind= ~all(req==spec_val,1);%Finding logical indices of the required columns
      req = req(:,ind);          %The matrix after removal of the not required columns
      %Finding the size of the input matrix 'a'; stacking with 1 so that 
      %it is applicable on 1-D/2-D matrices as well
      sz =[size(a) 1];           
      %Finding the # of columns that the required multi-dimensional matrix will have
      sz(2)= numel(req)/prod([sz(1), sz(3:end)]);
      %Reshaping to the desired result
      req=reshape(permute(reshape(req.', sz(2),sz(1),[]),[2 1 3]),sz); 

    Sample Runs:

    %1-D Example
    a=[1 4 5 2 5];
    req = removeColwithSpecVal(a,spec_val)
    req =
         1     4     2
    %2-D Example
    a=[1  1  0 ;
       1  0  0 ;
       1  0  0 ];
    req = removeColwithSpecVal(a,spec_val)
    req =
          1     1
          1     0
          1     0
    %Your example (3-D)
    a(:,:,1) = [1  1  0;
                1  0  0;
                1  0  0];
    a(:,:,2) = [1  1  0;
                1  0  0;
                1  1  0];
    a(:,:,3) = [1  1  0;
                1  1  0;
                1  1  0];
    req = removeColwithSpecVal(a,spec_val)
    req(:,:,1) =
         1     1
         1     0
         1     0
    req(:,:,2) =
         1     1
         1     0
         1     1
    req(:,:,3) =
         1     1
         1     1
         1     1

    也适用于高维矩阵 .
