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我开发了一种自定义通信协议 . 在该协议中,每个分组由报头和有效载荷组成 . 每个有效负载包含多个命令

我想在每个Command(Command0,...,Command N)中实现静态'decode'方法,因为相同类型的所有命令都以相同的方式解码(它们具有相同的字段结构) . 我使用抽象类'Command'作为模板,包含一些常见的字段和方法,以及一个抽象的'decode'方法用于我的命令 . 但由于超类方法是抽象的,Command0,...,CommandN中的'decode'方法不能是静态的 .

任何工作?每次我必须解码一些数据包时,我想避免实例化每个命令 .

作为替代方案,我已经摆脱了抽象的“解码”方法,并在每个扩展命令的命令中包含一个静态的“解码”方法 . 但是,如果没有超类或接口,另一个程序员可能会忘记实现解码方法 . 这个替代方案将导致以下代码:

        case 0:
            Command0 command0 = Command0.decode(dbConnection, header, data, offset);
        case N:
            CommandN commandN = CommandN.decode(dbConnection, header, data, offset);
            //some code

我首先要检查命令标识符 .


public class Packet
    private Header header;
    private Payload payload;

    public static Packet decode(Connection dbConnection, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception

public class Header
    public static Header decode(byte[] data, int offset)

public class Payload
    private List<Command> commands;
    public static Payload decode(Connection dbConnection, Header header, byte[] data, int offset)
        //iterate over the data bytes to populate commands

public abstract class Command
    public abstract Command decode(Connection dbConnection, Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception;

public class Command0
    int field1;
    String field2;
    float field3;
    public Command decode(Connection dbConnection, Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception;  //I can't make it static and I'd like to because all commands of class Command0 are decoded the same way.


public class Command N
    int field1;
    Map<Integer, ConfigBean> field2;
    public Command decode(Connection dbConnection, Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception;  //I can't make it static and I'd like to because all commands of class CommandN are decoded the same way.

1 回答

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    您可以拥有一个 enum 类,其中包含与命令相关的信息以及如何解码它 . 使用抽象方法而不是静态方法将迫使您为每个方法实现解码:

    public enum CommandType {
        COMMAND_0(0) {
            public <T extends Command> T decode(Connection dbConnection, ResponseBuilder.Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
                // decode Command 0
        COMMAND_1(1) {
            public <T extends Command> T decode(Connection dbConnection, ResponseBuilder.Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
                // decode Command 1
        COMMAND_N(N) {
            public <T extends Command> T decode(Connection dbConnection, ResponseBuilder.Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception {
                // decode Command N
        private final int commandIdentifier;
        CommandType(int commandIdentifier) {
            this.commandIdentifier = commandIdentifier;
        public abstract <T extends Command> T decode(Connection dbConnection, ResponseBuilder.Header header, byte[] data, int offset) throws Exception;
        private static Map<Integer, CommandType> map = new HashMap<Integer, CommandType>();
        static {
            for (CommandType commandType : CommandType.values()) {
                if (map.get(commandType.commandIdentifier) != null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("There are several commands with the same identifier");
                map.put(commandType.commandIdentifier, commandType);
        public static CommandType fromIdentifier(int commandIdentifier) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            CommandType commandType = map.get(commandIdentifier);
            if (commandType == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unkown command identifier");
            return commandType;


    Command c = CommandType.fromIdentifier(commandIdentifier).decodedecode(dbConnection, header, data, offset);

