我'm using ember-simple-auth and ember-simple-auth-token to implement a client side session mechanism. My backend is writtend in django(DRF + DRF jwt) and I'使用ember-django-adapter . 我定义了一个路由用户,一个模型用户但是当我尝试去http://myhost/users我有这个错误:

Error while processing route: users.index Authentication credentials were not provided. Error: Authentication credentials were not provided.


谢谢 .

PS:我添加到config \ environment.js这段代码

ENV['simple-auth'] = {
  authorizer: 'simple-auth-authorizer:token'

ENV['simple-auth-token'] = {
  serverTokenEndpoint: 'http://myhost/api/jwt-auth/',
  identificationField: 'username',
  tokenPropertyName: 'token',
  authorizationPrefix: 'JWT',
  authorizationHeaderName: 'Authorization',