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如果我们有能力克服MOST 1障碍,那么计算从开始到结束的最短路径


我们以2D整数矩阵的形式给出了一个迷宫;其中0是可通空间,1是墙 .




array[HEIGHT -1][WIDTH-1]

唯一可能的移动是向上,向下,向右或向左 . 我想找到从开始到结束的最短路径,考虑到我们最多可以克服迷宫内的一面墙 . 我开始创建一个Maze类和一个Vertex类 . 我的第一个想法是使用BFS,但是,我最近意识到这当然不会起作用,我现在正在尝试Dijkstra _2458706的重量比可通行空间大得多,并使用Dijkstra 's to find the shortest path from start to finish. Then, calculate each Wall'的最短路径到最后 . 在此之后,我想我可以比较墙壁到最后的路径,从开始到结束的路径,并以某种方式使用它来决定移除墙壁是否会给我一条较短的路径 .

我真的在与Dijkstra挣扎,把所有这些放在一起,或许能得到一些有用的东西 . 我开始创建一个Maze类,它将采用2d数组输入并从中创建一个图形 . 迷宫课程:

class Maze{
     Vertex[][] vertices;
     ArrayList<Edge> edges;
     ArrayList<Vertex> walls;
     HashSet<Vertex> settledVertices;
     HashSet<Vertex> unsettledVertices;
     HashMap<Vertex,Integer> distanceMap;
     HashMap<Vertex,Vertex> predecessors;

     Vertex start, end;
     int width;
     int height;

 //Maze Contructor  
  public Maze(int arr[][]){
     this.height = arr.length;
     this.width = arr[0].length;
     this.vertices = new Vertex[height][width];
     this.edges = new ArrayList<>();
     this.walls = new ArrayList<>();

     for(int i = 0 ; i < height; i++){
       for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
         this.vertices[i][j] = arr[i][j] == 1 ? new Wall(arr[i][j]) : new Vertex(arr[i][j]);
         if(this.vertices[i][j].value == 1)

   //Build() sets the Edges and their weights, as well as determine each Vertexs neighbors

     this.start = this.vertices[0][0];
     this.end = this.vertices[height-1][width-1];


  //Attempting Dijkstra
  public void executeDij(Vertex source){
    this.settledVertices = new HashSet<>();
    this.unsettledVertices = new HashSet<>();
    this.distanceMap = new HashMap<>();
    this.predecessors = new HashMap<>();


    while(unsettledVertices.size() > 0){
      Vertex v = getMinimum(unsettledVertices);

   public int getDistance(Vertex arrow, Vertex target){
      for(Edge e : edges)
        if(e.source.equals(arrow) && e.destination.equals(target))
       return e.weight;

   throw new RuntimeException("Get distance error");

  public void findMinDistance(Vertex vertex){
       for (Vertex target : vertex.neighbors) {
         if(getShortestDistance(target) > getShortestDistance(vertex) + getDistance(vertex, target))
           distanceMap.put(target, getShortestDistance(vertex) + getDistance(vertex,target));


  public int getShortestDistance(Vertex destination){
    Integer d = distanceMap.get(destination);

    if(d == null)
      return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    return d; 

  public Vertex getMinimum(HashSet<Vertex> set){
    Vertex min = null;

    for(Vertex v : set){
      if(min == null){
        min = v;
         if(getShortestDistance(v) < getShortestDistance(min)){
        min = v;
    return min;

  public boolean isSettled(Vertex v){
    return settledVertices.contains(v);

  public LinkedList<Vertex> getPath(Vertex target){
    LinkedList<Vertex> path = new LinkedList<>();
    Vertex singleStep = target;

    if(predecessors.get(singleStep) == null)
        return null;


    while(predecessors.get(singleStep) != null){
      singleStep = predecessors.get(singleStep);

    return path;



class Vertex{
    int value;
    boolean visited;
    int distance;
    Vertex previous;
    ArrayList<Vertex> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();

    public Vertex(int value){
      this.value = value;

    public boolean isWall(){
      return this.value == 1;

    public void setVisited(){
      this.visited = true;

    public int getValue(){
      return this.value;


在这一点上我基本上已经迷失了自己,我不知道我在做什么了 . 当我尝试使用我的getPath方法时,我得到一个空指针异常 . 总而言之,我想我的问题是如何从开始到结束获得最便宜的路径,然后是墙到达终点的路径;为每一面墙 .

1 回答

  • 3

    使用Dijkstra算法构建到任何点的最短路径是好的,但是从Start和End都可以 .

    假设你有这个迷宫,使用 _ 代表空间,使用 X 代表Wall:

    s  _  _  X  _  _ 
    X  _  X  X  _  X 
    _  _  X  _  _  _ 
    _  X  _  _  X  _ 
    _  X  X  _  X  _ 
    _  _  X  _  _  e


    s  s1 s2 X  _  _ 
    X  s2 X  X  _  X 
    s4 s3 X  _  _  _ 
    s5 X  _  _  X  _ 
    s6 X  X  _  X  _ 
    s7 s8 X  _  _  _

    如果这让你走到了尽头,你就完成了,而不必跳墙 .

    s  s1 s2 X  e6 e7
    X  s2 X  X  e5 X 
    s4 s3 X  e5 e4 e3
    s5 X  e5 e4  X e2
    s6 X  X  e3  X e1
    s7 s8 X  e2 e1 e


    s  s1 s2 -- e6 e7
    X  s2 X  X  e5 X 
    s4 s3 -- e5 e4 e3
    s5 -- e5 e4  X e2
    s6 X  X  e3  X e1
    s7 s8 -- e2 e1 e

    选择两个距离最小的墙 .
    在4个候选人中,3个总和8个,1个总和10个 .

    s →s1→s2→--→e6 e7 │ s →s1 s2 -- e6 e7 │ s →s1 s2 -- e6 e7 │ s →s1 s2 -- e6 e7 │ s →s1 s2 -- e6 e7
                ↓↓    │    ↓↓             │    ↓↓             │    ↓↓             │    ↓↓            
    X  s2 X  X  e5 X  │ X  s2 X  X  e5 X  │ X  s2 X  X  e5 X  │ X  s2 X  X  e5 X  │ X  s2 X  X  e5 X 
                ↓↓    │    ↓↓             │    ↓↓             │    ↓↓             │    ↓↓            
    s4 s3 -- e5 e4→e3 │ s4 s3→--→e5→e4→e3 │ s4 s3→--→e5 e4 e3 │ s4 s3→-- e5 e4 e3 │ s4 s3 -- e5 e4 e3
                   ↓↓ │                ↓↓ │          ↓↓       │       ↓↓          │    ↓↓          
    s5 -- e5 e4  X e2 │ s5 -- e5 e4  X e2 │ s5 -- e5 e4  X e2 │ s5 -- e5→e4  X e2 │ s5 --→e5→e4  X e2
                   ↓↓ │                ↓↓ │          ↓↓       │          ↓↓       │          ↓↓      
    s6 X  X  e3  X e1 │ s6 X  X  e3  X e1 │ s6 X  X  e3  X e1 │ s6 X  X  e3  X e1 │ s6 X  X  e3  X e1
                   ↓↓ │                ↓↓ │          ↓↓       │          ↓↓       │          ↓↓      
    s7 s8 -- e2 e1 e  │ s7 s8 -- e2 e1 e  │ s7 s8 -- e2→e1→e  │ s7 s8 -- e2→e1→e  │ s7 s8 -- e2→e1→e
