我有一个pandas HDFStore对象(pandas使用PyTables实现HDF5,如果这是相关的)与 mydata DataFrame( store["mydata"] = mydata ),并有一些代码定期将数据附加到 mydata DataFrame . 当我尝试访问该HDFStore时,我收到此错误 .

//anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tables/group.py:1213: UserWarning: problems loading leaf ``/mydata/table``::

  HDF5 error back trace

  File "H5Dio.c", line 173, in H5Dread
    can't read data
  File "H5Dio.c", line 551, in H5D__read
    can't read data
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 1872, in H5D__chunk_read
    unable to read raw data chunk
  File "H5Dchunk.c", line 2902, in H5D__chunk_lock
    data pipeline read failed
  File "H5Z.c", line 1375, in H5Z_pipeline
    filter returned failure during read
  File "H5Zdeflate.c", line 125, in H5Z_filter_deflate
    inflate() failed

End of HDF5 error back trace

Problems reading the array data.

The leaf will become an ``UnImplemented`` node.
  % (self._g_join(childname), exc))

这是我打印时商店的样子 .

<class 'pandas.io.pytables.HDFStore'>
File path: ../path/to/panda/store.h5
/mydata               [invalid_HDFStore node: 'UnImplemented' object has no attribute 'description']

我不知道为什么会这样 .

为了处理数据,我从另一个位置复制并粘贴了 .h5 文件(如果重要的话,不调用 .close() ) . 这可能是错误的来源,还是因为我用 format=table 追加数据?