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我正在尝试添加删除按钮并使其工作,我将问题分成两部分 .


<Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
 <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
  <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
   <TextField width="200" text="{{ task }}" hint="Enter a task" id="task" />
     <Button cssClass="test" text="Add" tap="add"></Button>
     <Button cssClass="test" text="Refresh" tap="refresh"></Button>
    <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1">
       <Label text="{{ name }}" />
       <Button cssClass="test" text="X" tap="delbutton"></Button> 

第一个问题是delbutton,它是删除按钮,如果我添加它就像它将用一堆X替换我的视图 . 我似乎无法理解为什么 .


exports.onPageLoaded = function(args) {
    page = args.object;
    pageData.set("task", "");
    pageData.set("tasks", tasks);
    page.bindingContext = pageData;
    var result;
        url: "",
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    }).then(function (response) {
        result = response.content.toJSON();
        for (var i in result) {
            tasks.push({ name: result[i].name });
    }, function (e) {
        console.log("Error occurred " + e);
exports.delbutton = function() {

谢谢你的帮助和时间 .

1 回答

  • 1

    第一个问题(只显示X)是由于ListView项目只需要一(1)个子项 . 你有两个(标签和按钮) . 幸运的是,一个项目可能是一个,所以你要做的是将两个元素包含在StackLayout中,如下所示:

    <Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
    <GridLayout rows="auto, *">
        <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="0">
            <TextField width="200" text="{{ task }}" hint="Enter a task" id="task" />
            <Button cssClass="test" text="Add" tap="add"></Button>
            <Button cssClass="test" text="Refresh" tap="refresh"></Button>
        <ListView items="{{ tasks }}" row="1">
                <StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
                    <Label text="{{ name }}" />
                    <Label text="{{ hello }}" />
                    <Button cssClass="test" text="X" tap="delbutton"></Button>

    至于从ListView中删除项目的第二部分 . 我不知道你的 pageData 是否是observable object,因为声明不是粘贴代码的一部分,但是我创建了一个如何使用observables填充数据的例子(这是构建ui:s的NativeScript方法,见前面的链接)以及如何从ListView中删除项目 .

    我在代码中添加了注释来解释我在做什么 .

    var Observable = require('data/observable');
    var ObservableArray = require('data/observable-array');
     * Creating an observable object,
     * see documentation: https://docs.nativescript.org/bindings.html
     * Populate that observable object with an (empty) observable array.
     * This way we can modify the array (e.g. remove an item) and 
     * the UI will reflect those changes (and remove if from the ui
     * as well).
     * Observable objects are one of NativeScripts most fundamental parts
     * for building user interfaces as they will allow us to
     * change an object and that change gets propagated to the ui
     * without us doing anything.
    var contextArr = new ObservableArray.ObservableArray();
    var contextObj = new Observable.Observable({
        tasks: contextArr
    exports.onPageLoaded = function(args) {
        var page = args.object;
        page.bindingContext = contextObj;
         * Simulating adding data to array after http request has returned json.
         * Also adding an ID to each item so that we can refer to that when we're
         * removing it.
        contextArr.push({name: 'First Item', id: contextArr.length});
        contextArr.push({name: 'Second Item', id: contextArr.length});
        contextArr.push({name: 'Third Item', id: contextArr.length});
    exports.delbutton = function(args) {
         * Getting the "bindingContext" of the tapped item.
         * The bindingContext will contain e.g: {name: 'First Item', id: 0}
        var btn = args.object;
        var tappedItemData = btn.bindingContext;
         * Iterate through our array and if the tapped item id
         * is the same as the id of the id of the current iteration
         * then remove it.
        contextArr.some(function (item, index) {
            if(item.id === tappedItemData.id) {
                contextArr.splice(index, 1);
                return false;
