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联系表格7 WordPress弹出显示[关闭]


我正在使用用于wordpress页面的Contact Form 7插件创建自定义表单:我想在点击“按钮”时在弹出窗口中显示该表单 .


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    你需要OptinMonster的专业计划,它附带Canvas表单类型 . OptinMonster是WordPress最好的弹出插件 . 你也可以使用备用免费插件 .

    在“自定义HTML”框中,您将输入联系表单短代码以及您可能要添加的任何其他自定义HTML . 以下是我们用于为本教程创建模式弹出窗口的示例HTML .

    <h3>Do You Have Any Questions?</h3>
    <p class="tagline">Want to ask us more about our services? Simply fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. </p>
    [wpforms id="119"]

    切换回您的WordPress管理区域,然后单击OptinMonster . 您将看到您的选择列表 . 如果您没有看到您的optin,请单击“刷新选择”按钮 . 点击您的optin下方的“修改输出设置”链接 . 这将带您进入弹出窗口的输出设置 .

    首先,您需要选中“在网站上启用optin”和“全局加载optin”选项旁边的复选框 . 如果您不检查这些,则弹出窗口不会显示在您的网站上 . 向下滚动页面,您将看到“为短代码解析内容”选项 . 确保选中它,否则OptinMonster将不会解析弹出窗口中的短代码 . 接下来,您需要输入弹出窗口中包含的短代码 . 这是您的联系表格短代码 . 单击保存设置以存储更改 .

    在WordPress中创建新页面或编辑要添加联系人表单弹出链接或按钮的帖子或页面 . 在帖子编辑器中切换到文本编辑器并添加如下弹出链接:1

    <a href="#" class="manual-optin-trigger" data-optin-slug="mw7pzo63ch6wpfzi">contact us</a>

    不要忘记用自己的optin slug替换data-optin-slug . 保存更改并访问您的帖子/页面 . 单击链接以查看您的联系表单弹出窗口 .

    check link

    If you want to grow your email list but don’t yet want to pay for OptinMonster, then PopupAlly is the no-fluff free WordPress popup plugin for you. With built-in advanced features this lightbox popup plugin allows you to build your list as people are about to exit your website. Just like as OptinMonster, it also provides the Exit-intent technology. Exit-intent popups allow you to capture lost visitors and have been shown to increase conversion by over 300%. With PopupAlly you never need to know about coding skills and still you can create advanced popup signup forms in under 5 minutes. PopupAlly’s visual editor allows you to customize the look-and-feel of your popups with an instant preview which saves you lots of time. WordPress Plugin Repository
