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是否有适用于VB6 / VBA的JSON解析器?


我试图在VB6中使用Web服务 . 我控制的服务 - 当前可以返回SOAP / XML消息或JSON . 我很难弄清楚VB6的SOAP类型(版本1)是否可以处理返回的 object - 而不是像 stringint 这样的简单类型 . 到目前为止,我无法弄清楚我需要做什么才能让VB6进入玩回归的物体 .

所以我想我可能会将Web服务中的响应序列化为JSON字符串 . VB6是否存在JSON解析器?

13 回答

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    查看JSON.org以获取许多不同语言的JSON解析器的最新列表(请参阅主页的底部) . 截至撰写本文时,您将看到两个不同JSON解析器的链接:

    • VB-JSON

    • 当我尝试下载zip文件时,Windows表示数据已损坏 . 但是,我能够使用7-zip将文件拉出来 . 事实证明,zip文件中的主"folder"不被Windows识别为文件夹,7-zip可以看到主"folder,"的内容,因此您可以打开它然后相应地提取文件 .

    • 这个VB JSON库的实际语法非常简单:

    Dim p As Object
    Set p = JSON.parse(strFormattedJSON)
    'Print the text of a nested property '
    Debug.Print p.Item("AddressClassification").Item("Description")
    'Print the text of a property within an array '
    Debug.Print p.Item("Candidates")(4).Item("ZipCode")
    • 注意:我必须通过VBA编辑器中的工具>引用添加"Microsoft Scripting Runtime"和"Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8"库作为参考 .

    • 注意:VBJSON代码实际上是基于谷歌代码项目vba-json . 但是,VBJSON承诺从原始版本修复几个错误 .

    • PW.JSON

    • 这实际上是 VB.NET 的库,所以我没有花太多时间研究它 .

  • 0

    使用解析JSON的JavaScript功能,在ScriptControl之上,我们可以在VBA中创建一个解析器,它将列出JSON中的每个数据点 . 无论数据结构如何嵌套或复杂,只要我们提供有效的JSON,此解析器将返回完整的树结构 .

    JavaScript的Eval,getKeys和getProperty方法提供了用于验证和读取JSON的构建块 .

    结合VBA中的递归函数,我们可以遍历JSON字符串中的所有键(最多到第n级) . 然后使用Tree控件(在本文中使用)或字典甚至在简单的工作表上,我们可以根据需要排列JSON数据 .

    完整的VBA代码在这里 . 使用解析JSON的JavaScript功能,在ScriptControl之上,我们可以在VBA中创建一个解析器,它将列出JSON中的每个数据点 . 无论数据结构如何嵌套或复杂,只要我们提供有效的JSON,此解析器将返回完整的树结构 .

    JavaScript的Eval,getKeys和getProperty方法提供了用于验证和读取JSON的构建块 .

    结合VBA中的递归函数,我们可以遍历JSON字符串中的所有键(最多到第n级) . 然后使用Tree控件(在本文中使用)或字典甚至在简单的工作表上,我们可以根据需要排列JSON数据 .

    Full VBA Code here.

  • 7

    以ozmike解决方案为基础,这对我不起作用(Excel 2013和IE10) . 原因是我无法在公开的JSON对象上调用方法 . 因此,它的方法现在通过附加到DOMElement的函数公开 . 不知道这是可能的(必须是IDispatch-thing),谢谢你 .

    正如ozmike所说,没有第三方库,只有30行代码 .

    Option Explicit
    Public JSON As Object
    Private ie As Object
    Public Sub initJson()
        Dim html As String
        html = "<!DOCTYPE html><head><script>" & _
        "Object.prototype.getItem=function( key ) { return this[key] }; " & _
        "Object.prototype.setItem=function( key, value ) { this[key]=value }; " & _
        "Object.prototype.getKeys=function( dummy ) { keys=[]; for (var key in this) if (typeof(this[key]) !== 'function') keys.push(key); return keys; }; " & _
        "window.onload = function() { " & _
        "document.body.parse = function(json) { return JSON.parse(json); }; " & _
        "document.body.stringify = function(obj, space) { return JSON.stringify(obj, null, space); }" & _
        "}" & _
        "</script></head><html><body id='JSONElem'></body></html>"
        Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        With ie
            .navigate "about:blank"
            Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
            Do While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
            .Visible = False
            .document.Write html
        End With
        ' This is the body element, we call it JSON:)
        Set JSON = ie.document.getElementById("JSONElem")
    End Sub
    Public Function closeJSON()
    End Function

    以下测试从头开始构造JavaScript对象,然后对其进行字符串化 . 然后它将对象解析回来并迭代其键 .

    Sub testJson()
        Call initJson
        Dim jsObj As Object
        Dim jsArray As Object
        Debug.Print "Construction JS object ..."
        Set jsObj = JSON.Parse("{}")
        Call jsObj.setItem("a", 1)
        Set jsArray = JSON.Parse("[]")
        Call jsArray.setItem(0, 13)
        Call jsArray.setItem(1, Math.Sqr(2))
        Call jsArray.setItem(2, 15)
        Call jsObj.setItem("b", jsArray)
        Debug.Print "Object: " & JSON.stringify(jsObj, 4)
        Debug.Print "Parsing JS object ..."
        Set jsObj = JSON.Parse("{""a"":1,""b"":[13,1.4142135623730951,15]}")
        Debug.Print "a: " & jsObj.getItem("a")
        Set jsArray = jsObj.getItem("b")
        Debug.Print "Length of b: " & jsArray.getItem("length")
        Debug.Print "Second element of b: "; jsArray.getItem(1)
        Debug.Print "Iterate over all keys ..."
        Dim keys As Object
        Set keys = jsObj.getKeys("all")
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To keys.getItem("length") - 1
            Debug.Print keys.getItem(i) & ": " & jsObj.getItem(keys.getItem(i))
        Next i
        Call closeJSON
    End Sub


    Construction JS object ...
    Object: {
        "a": 1,
        "b": [
    Parsing JS object ...
    a: 1
    Length of b: 3
    Second element of b:  1,4142135623731 
    Iterate over all keys ...
    a: 1
    b: 13,1.4142135623730951,15
  • 3

    我知道这是一个古老的问题,但我的回答对希望在搜索“vba json”之后继续访问此页面的其他人有很大的帮助 .

    我发现这个page非常有帮助 . 它提供了几个与Excel兼容的VBA类,用于处理JSON格式的数据处理 .

  • 2

    UPDATE: Found a safer way of parsing JSON than using Eval, this blog post shows the dangers of Eval ... http://exceldevelopmentplatform.blogspot.com/2018/01/vba-parse-json-safer-with-jsonparse-and.html

    迟到这个派对但对不起家伙,但到目前为止最简单的方法是使用Microsoft Script Control . 一些使用VBA.CallByName钻取的示例代码

    'Microsoft Script Control 1.0;  {0E59F1D2-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}; C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msscript.ocx
    Private Sub TestJSONParsingWithCallByName()
        Dim oScriptEngine As ScriptControl
        Set oScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
        oScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"
        Dim sJsonString As String
        sJsonString = "{'key1': 'value1'  ,'key2': { 'key3': 'value3' } }"
        Dim objJSON As Object
        Set objJSON = oScriptEngine.Eval("(" + sJsonString + ")")
        Debug.Assert VBA.CallByName(objJSON, "key1", VbGet) = "value1"
        Debug.Assert VBA.CallByName(VBA.CallByName(objJSON, "key2", VbGet), "key3", VbGet) = "value3"
    End Sub

    我实际上已经完成了一系列问答,探讨了与JSON / VBA相关的主题 .

    Q1 In Excel VBA on Windows, how to mitigate issue of dot syntax traversal of parsed JSON broken by IDE's capitalisation behaviour?

    Q2 In Excel VBA on Windows, how to loop through a JSON array parsed?

    Q3 In Excel VBA on Windows, how to get stringified JSON respresentation instead of “[object Object]” for parsed JSON variables?

    Q4 In Windows Excel VBA,how to get JSON keys to pre-empt “Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method”?

    Q5 In Excel VBA on Windows, for parsed JSON variables what is this JScriptTypeInfo anyway?

  • 2

    这是一个“Native”VB JSON库 .

    可以使用IE8中已有的JSON . 这样您就不会依赖于过时且未经测试的第三方库 .


    Sub myJSONtest()
    Dim oJson As Object
    Set oJson = oIE_JSON() ' See below gets IE.JSON object
    ' using json objects
    Debug.Print oJson.parse("{ ""hello"": ""world"" }").hello ' world
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(oJson.parse("{ ""hello"": ""world"" }")) ' {"hello":"world"}
    ' getting items
    Debug.Print oJson.parse("{ ""key1"": ""value1"" }").key1 ' value1
    Debug.Print oJson.parse("{ ""key1"": ""value1"" }").itemGet("key1") ' value1
    Debug.Print oJson.parse("[ 1234, 4567]").itemGet(1) '  4567
    ' change  properties
    Dim o As Object
    Set o = oJson.parse("{ ""key1"": ""value1"" }")
    o.propSetStr "key1", "value\""2"
    Debug.Print o.itemGet("key1") ' value\"2
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' {"key1":"value\\\"2"}
    o.propSetNum "key1", 123
    Debug.Print o.itemGet("key1") ' 123
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' {"key1":123}
    ' add properties
    o.propSetNum "newkey", 123 ' addkey! JS MAGIC
    Debug.Print o.itemGet("newkey") ' 123
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' {"key1":123,"newkey":123}
    ' assign JSON 'objects' to properties
    Dim o2 As Object
    Set o2 = oJson.parse("{ ""object2"": ""object2value"" }")
    o.propSetJSON "newkey", oJson.stringify(o2) ' set object
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' {"key1":123,"newkey":{"object2":"object2value"}}
    Debug.Print o.itemGet("newkey").itemGet("object2") ' object2value
    ' change array items
    Set o = oJson.parse("[ 1234, 4567]") '
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' [1234,4567]
    Debug.Print o.itemGet(1)
    o.itemSetStr 1, "234"
    Debug.Print o.itemGet(1)
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' [1234,"234"]
    o.itemSetNum 1, 234
    Debug.Print o.itemGet(1)
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' [1234,234]
    ' add array items
    o.itemSetNum 5, 234 ' add items! JS Magic
    Debug.Print o.itemGet(5) ' 234
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' [1234,234,null,null,null,234]
    ' assign JSON object to array item
    o.itemSetJSON 3, oJson.stringify(o2)  ' assign object
    Debug.Print o.itemGet(3) '[object Object]
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o.itemGet(3)) ' {"object2":"object2value"}
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' [1234,234,null,{"object2":"object2value"},null,234]
    oIE_JSON_Quit ' quit IE, must shut down or the IE sessions remain.
    Debug.Print oJson.stringify(o) ' can use after but but IE server will shutdown... soon
    End Sub

    您可以从VB桥接到IE.JSON .

    Public g_IE As Object ' global
    Public Function oIE_JSON() As Object
        ' for array access o.itemGet(0) o.itemGet("key1")
        JSON_COM_extentions = "" & _
                " Object.prototype.itemGet        =function( i ) { return this[i] }   ;            " & _
                " Object.prototype.propSetStr     =function( prop , val ) { eval('this.' + prop + '  = ""' + protectDoubleQuotes (val) + '""' )   }    ;            " & _
                " Object.prototype.propSetNum     =function( prop , val ) { eval('this.' + prop + '  = ' + val + '')   }    ;            " & _
                " Object.prototype.propSetJSON    =function( prop , val ) { eval('this.' + prop + '  = ' + val + '')   }    ;            " & _
                " Object.prototype.itemSetStr     =function( prop , val ) { eval('this[' + prop + '] = ""' + protectDoubleQuotes (val) + '""' )   }    ;            " & _
                " Object.prototype.itemSetNum     =function( prop , val ) { eval('this[' + prop + '] = ' + val )   }    ;            " & _
                " Object.prototype.itemSetJSON    =function( prop , val ) { eval('this[' + prop + '] = ' + val )   }    ;            " & _
                " function protectDoubleQuotes (str)   { return str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/""/g,'\\""');   }"
        ' document.parentwindow.eval dosen't work some versions of ie eg ie10?
         IEEvalworkaroundjs = "" & _
             " function IEEvalWorkAroundInit ()   { " & _
             " var x=document.getElementById(""myIEEvalWorkAround"");" & _
             " x.IEEval= function( s ) { return eval(s) } ; } ;"
        g_JS_framework = "" & _
          JSON_COM_extentions & _
        ' need IE8 and DOC type
        g_JS_HTML = "<!DOCTYPE html>  " & _
             " <script>" & g_JS_framework & _
                      "</script>" & _
             " <body>" & _
             "<script  id=""myIEEvalWorkAround""  onclick=""IEEvalWorkAroundInit()""  ></script> " & _
                     " HEllo</body>"
    On Error GoTo error_handler
    ' Create InternetExplorer Object
    Set g_IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    With g_IE
        .navigate "about:blank"
        Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
        Do While .ReadyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
        .Visible = False ' control IE interface window
        .Document.Write g_JS_HTML
    End With
    Set objID = g_IE.Document.getElementById("myIEEvalWorkAround")
    objID.Click ' create  eval
    Dim oJson As Object
    'Set oJson = g_IE.Document.parentWindow.Eval("JSON") ' dosen't work some versions of IE
    Set oJson = objID.IEEval("JSON")
    Set objID = Nothing
    Set oIE_JSON = oJson
    Exit Function
    MsgBox ("Unexpected Error, I'm quitting. " & Err.Description & ".  " & Err.Number)
    Set g_IE = Nothing
    End Function
    Public Function oIE_JSON_Quit()
             Exit Function
    End Function


  • 4

    VBA-JSON 由蒂姆·霍尔, MIT licensedGitHub . 它是2014年底出现的另一个vba-json的分支 . 声称可以在Mac Office和Windows 32bit和64bit上运行 .

  • 39

    VB6 - JsonBag, Another JSON Parser/Generator也应该可以输入VBA而不会有任何问题 .

  • 0

    我建议使用.Net组件 . 您可以通过Interop使用VB6中的.Net组件 - 这是tutorial . 我的猜测是.Net组件比VB6生成的任何组件都更可靠,支持更好 .

    Microsoft .Net框架中有一些组件,如DataContractJsonSerializerJavaScriptSerializer . 您也可以使用第JSON.NET等第三方库 .

  • 5

    您可以在VB.NET中编写Excel-DNA加载项 . Excel-DNA是一个瘦库,可让您在.NET中编写XLL . 这样您就可以访问整个.NET Universe,并可以使用http://james.newtonking.com/json之类的东西 - 一个JSON框架,可以在任何自定义类中反序列化JSON .

    如果您有兴趣,请参考以下如何使用VB.NET为Excel构建通用Excel JSON客户端:



  • 14




    Option Explicit
    'in vb6 click "Tools"->"References" then
    'check the box "Microsoft Script Control 1.0";
    Dim oScriptEngine As New ScriptControl
    Dim objJSON As Object
    ''to use it
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
      MsgBox JsonGet("key1", "{'key1': 'value1'  ,'key2': { 'key3': 'value3' } }")''returns "value1"
      MsgBox JsonGet("key2.key3", "{'key1': 'value1'  ,'key2': { 'key3': 'value3' } }") ''returns "value3"
      MsgBox JsonGet("result.0.Ask", "{'result':[{'MarketName':'BTC-1ST','Bid':0.00004718,'Ask':0.00004799},{'MarketName':'BTC-2GIVE','Bid':0.00000073,'Ask':0.00000074}]}") ''returns "0.00004799"
      MsgBox JsonGet("mykey2.keyinternal1", "{mykey:1111, mykey2:{keyinternal1:22.1,keyinternal2:22.2}, mykey3:3333}") ''returns "22.1"
    End Sub
    Public Function JsonGet(eKey$, eJsonString$, Optional eDlim$ = ".") As String
      Dim tmp$()
      Static sJsonString$
      If Trim(eKey$) = "" Or Trim(eJsonString$) = "" Then Exit Function
      If sJsonString <> eJsonString Then
        sJsonString = eJsonString
        oScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"
        Set objJSON = oScriptEngine.Eval("(" + eJsonString + ")")
      End If
      tmp = Split(eKey, eDlim)
      If UBound(tmp) = 0 Then JsonGet = VBA.CallByName(objJSON, eKey, VbGet): Exit Function
      Dim i&, o As Object
      Set o = objJSON
      For i = 0 To UBound(tmp) - 1
        Set o = VBA.CallByName(o, tmp(i), VbGet)
      Next i
      JsonGet = VBA.CallByName(o, tmp(i), VbGet)
      Set o = Nothing
    End Function
    Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
      Set objJSON = Nothing
    End Sub
  • 0

    EXCEL CELL中的公式

    =JSON2("{mykey:1111, mykey2:{keyinternal1:22.1,keyinternal2:22.2}, mykey3:3333}", "mykey2", "keyinternal2")


    =JSON("{mykey:1111,mykey2:2222,mykey3:3333}", "mykey2")


    • 说明:

    • Step1 . 按ALT F11

    • Step2 . 插入 - >模块

    • Step3 . 工具 - >引用 - >勾选Microsoft Script Control 1.0

    • Step4 . 粘贴如下 .

    • Step5 . ALT Q关闭VBA窗口 .

    工具 - >引用 - > Microsoft Script Control 1.0; {0E59F1D2-1FBE-11D0-8FF2-00A0D10038BC}; C:\ WINDOWS \ Syswow64资料\ msscript.ocx

    Public Function JSON(sJsonString As String, Key As String) As String
    On Error GoTo err_handler
        Dim oScriptEngine As ScriptControl
        Set oScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
        oScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"
        Dim objJSON As Object
        Set objJSON = oScriptEngine.Eval("(" + sJsonString + ")")
        JSON = VBA.CallByName(objJSON, Key, VbGet)
        Exit Function
        JSON = "Error: " & Err.Description
        Resume Err_Exit
    End Function
    Public Function JSON2(sJsonString As String, Key1 As String, Key2 As String) As String
    On Error GoTo err_handler
        Dim oScriptEngine As ScriptControl
        Set oScriptEngine = New ScriptControl
        oScriptEngine.Language = "JScript"
        Dim objJSON As Object
        Set objJSON = oScriptEngine.Eval("(" + sJsonString + ")")
        JSON2 = VBA.CallByName(VBA.CallByName(objJSON, Key1, VbGet), Key2, VbGet)
        Exit Function
        JSON2 = "Error: " & Err.Description
        Resume Err_Exit
    End Function
  • 0

    由于Json只不过是字符串所以如果我们能够以正确的方式操作它,它就可以轻松处理,无论结构多么复杂 . 我认为没有必要使用任何外部库或转换器来完成这个技巧 . 这是一个使用字符串操作解析json数据的示例 .

    Sub GetJsonContent()
        Dim http As New XMLHTTP60, itm As Variant
        With http
            .Open "GET", "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users", False
            itm = Split(.responseText, "id"":")
        End With
        x = UBound(itm)
        For y = 1 To x
            Cells(y, 1) = Split(Split(itm(y), "name"": """)(1), """")(0)
            Cells(y, 2) = Split(Split(itm(y), "username"": """)(1), """")(0)
            Cells(y, 3) = Split(Split(itm(y), "email"": """)(1), """")(0)
            Cells(y, 4) = Split(Split(itm(y), "street"": """)(1), """")(0)
        Next y
    End Sub
