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所以我刚开始创建一个新网站,或者更改一个旧网站 . 所有代码都是一样的,唯一的区别是我在这里和那里改变了一些文字 . 旧的网站工作得很好,所以这个也应该这样,所以我不确定为什么会这样,但只有主页可以使用我想要使用的URL找到 . 例如,尝试去项目页面,不仅找不到文件,而且我的自定义未找到的页面甚至都不显示 . 首先,我将展示一些示例,然后我将展示一些代码 .


//拒绝访问此文件<Files~“.htaccess”>拒绝所有</ Files> // start RewriteEngine RewriteEngine On //如果被调用的文件不是目录,文件或链接,我们调用index.php? page = RewriteCond%!-d RewriteCond%!-f RewriteCond%!-l RewriteRule ^( . *)$ index.php?page = $ 1 [QSA,L] //禁用文件列表选项 - 索引//将错误页面403(无权限)和404(未找到页面)设置到我们未找到的页面ErrorDocument 403 / notfound ErrorDocument 404 / notfound order deny,allow



function dump_error_to_file($errno, $errstr) {
    file_put_contents('/errors.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s - ') . $errstr, FILE_APPEND);

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

//load needed settings, constants, page array and functions
include 'variables.php';
include 'constants.php';
include 'functions.php';

//setting timezone to America/Chicago, needed by some functions

//gets changed to the return of the include file
$ret = 1;

 * The include file has to contain the following values:
 *   Array('filename' => string, -- Filename for template
 *         'data' => Array())    -- Array with data for the template
 * - At an exception
 *   string  -- Errormessage.

//if no page was called, include the main page
if (!isset($_GET['page'])) {
    $ret = include 'includes/' . $files['main'];
} else {

  if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
      $page = trim($_GET['page']);
  } else {
      $page = 'main';

  if (isset($files[$page])) {
      //if the file exists include it, else print error message
      if (file_exists('includes/' . $files[$page])) {
          $ret = include 'includes/' . $files[$page];
      } else {
          $ret = "Include-File was not found: 'includes/" . $files[$page] . "'";
  } else {
      $ret = include 'includes/' . $files['notfound'];

//include header template
include 'templates/header.html';

//if the include returns an array, it contains the templatestring and the data array, try to include the template
if (is_array($ret) && isset($ret['filename'], $ret['data']) && is_string($ret['filename']) && is_array($ret['data'])) {
    //if the template exists include it, else print error message
    if (file_exists($file = 'templates/' . $ret['filename'])) {
        $data = $ret['data'];
        include $file;
    } else {
        $data['msg'] = 'Template "' . $file . '" was NOT found.';
        include 'templates/error.html';
//if the include file returns a string, it returned an exception. So we print it
} else if (is_string($ret)) {
    // Exception
    $data['msg'] = $ret;
    include 'templates/error.html';

//the defualt value of $ret didnt change, so the include didnt return anything. Print error message
} else if (1 === $ret) {
    //No return array
    $data['msg'] = 'No return in the template!';
    include 'templates/error.html';
} else {
//include file has a complete other return like a boolean or something, print error
    //everything left
    $data['msg'] = 'Include file has an invalid return.';
    include 'templates/error.html';

//include footer template
include 'templates/footer.html';



$files = array();
$files['main'] = 'main.php';
$files['projects'] = 'projects.php';
$files['projects/jda-extended'] = 'projects/jda-extended.php';
$files['contact'] = 'contact.php';
$files['about'] = 'about.php';
$files['notfound'] = 'notfound.php';



$a = array();
$a['filename'] = 'projects.html';
$a['data'] = array();

return $a;


<div class="fluid">

    This website is still under construction.
      <strong><a href="projects/jda-extended">JDA Extended</a></strong> - Extension to the JDA API. Allows for quick and easy discord bot development.

我相信这应该是有人可能要求的所有代码,但如果需要,可以随意提出更多要求 . 我的上一个站点与此站点之间的唯一区别是,最后一个站点是在共享Web托管上托管的 . 这个使用apache2托管在我的vps上 . 它真的让我感到困惑,因为该网站能够找到例如includes / main.php和templates / main.html,但不能找到这些文件夹中的任何其他文件 . 我唯一能想到的是htaccess文件出了问题,因为?page = projects有效,但/ project没有,但我看不出有什么问题吗?

1 回答

  • 0

    玩完之后,我意识到这是Apache2的一个问题 . 默认情况下 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf AllowOverrides 设置为 None ,当我需要它为 All 时 . 我在Windows中完成了对网站的所有测试,我不需要费心去改变它 .
